ruby on rails - Send multiple dynamic emails through Sendgrid -

i know if it's possible send multiple dynamic emails using sendgrid's smtp-api.

i know possible send 1 email body several recipients, passing user data through substitutions, if email body different each user?

imagine send email 1 user image1.jpeg , email image2.jpeg, image3.jpeg , image4.jpeg different user.

basically, want able send multiple emails dynamic content per user.

is possible rails? or java?


use template engine.

create template via ui @ or via api.

then enable "templates" filter in x-smtpapi header template of id create:

{   "filters": {     "templates": {       "settings": {         "enable": 1,         "template_id": "5997fcf6-2b9f-484d-acd5-7e9a99f0dc1f"       }     }   } } 

then you'll use smtp api substitutions , sections dynamic content. there's example combining template engine templates.


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