
Showing posts from June, 2015

php - Dynamically change database connection in cakephp 3 -

i'm trying change database connection used in cakephp 3 on fly. every answer question found refers cakephp 2 ( these three for instance). this guy found solution cakephp 3 having finite number of databases, , defining database used table file. the thing want create new database every new user, , change database when logs in. can't know in advance databases exist, write in config/app.php file. and can't set default database in each /src/model/table file, because tables same in every database. use connectionmanager::config() function create connections on fly , connnectionmanager::alias() method make table classes use default. there article describing process here: the difference can create connection config on fly instead of declaring shards manually shown in article.

java regex escape sequences -

i wondering regex in java , stumbled upon use of backslashes. instance, if wanted occurences of words "this regex" in text, this: pattern.compile("this regex"); nonetheless, this: pattern.compile("this\\sregex"); my question is: difference between 2 of them? , why have type backslash twice, mean, why isn't \s escape sequence in java? in advance! \s means whitespace character, including tab, line feed , carriage return. java string literals use \ escape special characters. put character \ in string literal, need write "\\" . regex patterns use \ escape character, , way put string literal use two, because goes through 2 separate escaping processes. if read regex pattern plain text file example, won't need double escaping.

swift - iOS: Download .TXT file give strange result -

i'm trying download .txt file has 5mb size in 1 website i tried download file directly , give correct size i tried download via android downloadmanager.request , give correct size except , in ios, while tried download via nsurlconnection, without 1 second, show successful download 5mb size however, when check in network receiving show used 25kb? ps. if change download same domain .zip file, download properly problem link: working link: here code @ibaction func buttonclick(sender: anyobject) { let timestamp = nsstring(format: "%.0f", nsdate().timeintervalsince1970) let url:nsurl = nsurl(string: "\(timestamp)")! var request:nsurlrequest = nsurlrequest(url: url, cachepolicy: nsurlrequestcachepolicy.reloadignoringlocalca

aggregation framework - MongoDB Sorting on GeoNear Results -

i'm trying sort values in collection "vehicle" text field "condition", although seems sorting having no effect on result set. believe syntax correct, cause of problem? db.vehicle.aggregate([ { $geonear: { near:[26.243640,-80.265397], maxdistance: 2500/111.12, query: { isactive: true, condition: {$in: ['new','used']} }, distancefield: "distance", limit: 10 } }, { $project: {condition: 1, distance: 1} }, { $sort: {condition: -1} } ])

What profiler could I use to generate a "timeline" for my c++ openMP program? -

i want profile openmp program , think timeline threads good, have tried several tools, however. valgrind doesn't give timeline, gives callmap vtune not free, , can't afford it. i need root install zoom. to use scalasca, have install score-p, however, there errors qt. so, there profiler free, generate timeline , installed non-root user?

regex - Python: Formatting a string with a variable that must be inside curly braces {} -

my task make function regex returns matches count word characters long or longer. here's tried: import re # example: # >>> find_words(4, "dog, cat, baby, balloon, me") # ['baby', 'balloon'] def find_words(count, a_string): pattern = r'\w{{{},}}'.format(count) return re.findall(pattern, a_string) the reason mess of curly braces attempting escape them . the final search string ( pattern ) want \w{ count ,} edit: forgot return statement in original post. i'll leave here because answers coming in valuable. why don't use % operator? in [1]: def find_words(count, a_string): ...: pattern = r'\w{%s,}' % count ...: return re.findall(pattern, a_string) in [2]: find_words(4, "dog, cat, baby, balloon, me") out[2]: ['baby', 'balloon']

android - Google play services freezes Eclipse -

i have 2 problems eclipse. want add advertisements android project. creating new android application project following settings: minimum required sdk: api 13 target sdk: api 19 compile with: api 22 my first problem eclipse java problem shown below: the type actionbaractivity deprecated /hjjhg/src/com/example/hjjhg line 3 my main problem when add google play services sdk\extras\google\google_play_services\libproject\google-play-services_lib , run application. eclipse working in no-load operation. after while, eclipse gives error: gc overhead limit exceeded what wrong?

Re-Install R with Shared library option in CentOS 6.5 -

operating system:centos 6.5 (64 bit) r version: 3.1.3 (2015-03-09) -- "smooth sidewalk" i did r installation using yum: # su -c 'rpm -uvh' # yum update --disablerepo=epel # yum install r i downloaded , installed r-studio server: # wget # sudo yum install –nogpgcheck rstudio-server-0.98.507-x86_64.rpm further had installed several r packages (especially rjava & rhive). issue have rhive.init() , related functions. in putty session things fine. when accessed on r-console via browser , rhive.init() fails following message, after setting variable hive_home @ host. error: library(rhive) loading required package: rjava rhive.init() [1] false looks issue because r wasn't installed shared library. searching web provided inputs download tarballs, unzip, configure, build, make , install. since i'

How can I bring a specific commit and work on it : on git -

i new user of git. have many files. how can bring specific file , work on it,without deleting other commit? tried use reset --hard , checkout deletes other commit. correct way? from reading title , comments afterward, interpreted question mean want go old commit , work off of it, still have new changes intact future purposes. first, commit of files working on don't lose anything. then, perform git log and find commit hash commit want go to. copy commit clipboard, , type git branch <insert_new_branch_name_here> <insert_commit_hash_here> then, git checkout <insert_new_branch_name_here> this should bring new branch latest revision commit want work from. your previous changes on top of commit still available in branch on.

gridfs - read video file from mongodb with pymongo -

i have large video file stored in mongodb gridfs. read , write on disk. can find file in database with: file = grid_fs.find_one({"filename":'file_in_database.cin'}) i grid out object gridfs.grid_file.gridout @ 0xa7b7be0 i try write file on disk with: open('file_from_database.cin', 'w') f: f.write( i file written size of 1 download database different original size of file: 05/15/2015 09:09 65,585,808 file_from_database.cin 08/01/2007 01:08 pm 65,585,800 original_file.cin i checked file in database , md5 field same original problem must during download or writing. i'm using win7 64 , anaconda64 dirstribution python 2.7 any appreciated. update i tried same code jpeg image , same problem, image stored in database when , write disk size different , cannot read it. 03/20/2015 02:36 pm 5,422,339 original_image.jpg 05/15/2015 02:44 pm 5,438,750 image_from_database.jpg am d

ios - How can I avoid the error "Error Launching 'AppName' WatchKit Extension" when trying to build and run a WatchKit Extension on an actual Apple Watch? -

when try build , run watchkit extension on real apple watch, following error message: i've tried build parent application iphone , again watchkit app still error message. does know causes error message , how deal it? this seems happen when takes long time install watchkit app on actual watch , xcode times out waiting process start due long install time. can take long time 2 reasons: it takes while watch "notice" app needs updating before begins transfer. if apple watch app has lot of images or other content needs transfer watch, actual transfer on bluetooth can take long time. if want avoid error, here tips, adapting blog post, can show how speed app installs: choose ios base scheme in xcode build , install on phone. (not watchkit app extension) hit stop in xcode. get ios notice needs begin installing watch app. there 2 ways, either a

php - Exchange web services (EWS): Send "meeting invitations" for meetings stored in a public folder calendar -

it's been discussed here on stackoverflow ( , appointment.update set ismeeting true ) ews has limitations on how meeting invitations can't sent automatically when creating new calendar items / meetings inside public folder. since need send meeting calendars of various attendees wondering if has ever discovered workaround strange behavior (i can't find way send meeting invitations programmatically). the thing seems working forward calendar item address of attendees, that's not option since makes meeting available attachment in email. on msdn have sample create , sends invite msdn link but not work public folders: "the reason shouldn't work because public folders don't publish free/busy information. cannot invite public folder meeting nor can see if public folder available."

javascript - Using a rest parameter before the last parameter in function definition -

my problem best explained simple code example: function dothing(a, ...b, c) { console.log(a, b, c) } dothing(1,2,3,4); // expect "1 [2,3] 4" this instead gives syntax error unexpected token , pointing comma after b in function definition. is not possible put single parameter after 'rested' parameter es6? if not, idea why? useful me. thanks! edit: thought dothing(a, ...b, c) unambiguous, see dothing(1,2,3) need arbitrary rule decide whether 3 goes in b or c (i.e. if pass number of params less or equal number of params in function definition). you should not use js keywords in function names (e.g. do ) as site says: if last named argument of function prefixed ..., becomes array elements 0 theargs.length supplied actual arguments passed function. actually feature of es6 called rest parameters meant last in list of parameters. so code work: function do2 (a, b, ...c) { console.log(a, b, c); } do2(1,2

validation - Controller.ValidateModel method. How it work? -

i have following model class: public abstract class companyformviewmodelbase { public companyformviewmodelbase() { role = new companyrolelistviewmodel(); contactperson = new personlistviewmodel(); sector = new sectorlistviewmodel(); } [required] [display(name = "company name")] public string companyname { get; set; } public companyrolelistviewmodel role { get; set; } [display(name = "contact name")] public personlistviewmodel contactperson { get; set; } public sectorlistviewmodel sector { get; set; } } public class addcompanyviewmodel : companyformviewmodelbase, ivalidatableobject { public ienumerable<validationresult> validate(validationcontext validationcontext) { plugandabandonentities db = new plugandabandonentities(); companyname = companyname.trim(); var results = new list<validationresult>(); if ( =>

java - AspectJ get the object which calls the method and its argument -

i have following aspectj definition in spring configuration xml file <bean id="valuelogging" class="org.beans.valuelogging"> <constructor-arg value="#{t(system).out}" /> </bean> <aop:config> <aop:aspect ref="valuelogging"> <aop:pointcut id="settingvalue" expression="execution(* *.setvalue(..)) , args(parameter, value)"/> <aop:after pointcut-ref="settingvalue" method="logaftersettingavalue" /> </aop:aspect> </aop:config> then, have valuelogging class: public class valuelogging { private printstream stream; public valuelogging(printstream stream) { = stream; } public void logaftersettingavalue(final object element, final string parameter, final double value) { stream.println(element + " :the value " + value + " has been set parameter " + parameter.g

c# - How to access element in XML files with attribute values? -

this xml file <colleges> <college college_name="dypsoe"> <departments> <department department_name="computer" id="10"> <![cdata[i need change comment!]]> </department> <department department_name="machanical" id="20"> <![cdata[i need change comment!]]> </department> </departments> </college> <college college_name="dypsoet"> <departments> <department department_name="computer" id="10"> <![cdata[i need change comment!]]> </department> <department department_name="machanical" id="20"> <![cdata[i need change comment!]]> </department> </departments> </college> </colleg

Build VLC for Android project failed on Ubuntu 12.04 -

i want work on vlc android project. first need compile project, follow steps on when sh -a armeabi-v7a @ end have error: contribs: make failed error:execution failed task ':libvlc:builddebugarmv5'. > process 'command './'' finished non-zero exit value 1 i working android studio. update so have download ubuntu 12.04 vm , have build vlc android project on it. same error appear told me gettext old , should @ 0.19.1 version or later. quit vm , checked gettext version (0.18.4) on real machine, put gettext update , know 0.19.4 version. i build project , contribs: make failed error gone know new error : failure: build failed exception. * where: build file '/home/edouard/3dsoundlabs/android/android/build.gradle' line: 16 * went wrong: problem occurred evaluating root project 'android'. > failed apply plugin [id 'android-sdk-manager'] > specified s

url - Why the HTTP request is sent incorrectly? -

original url fragment: {<>"|?(1)20416lol encoded url fragment: <code>encodeuricomponent('{<>"|?(1)20416lol') -> %7b%3c%3e%22%7c%3f(1)20416lol</code> but http request goes url. check out moz dev network site on encodeuricomponent do following overwrite default encodeuricomponent function. function fixedencodeuricomponent (str) { return encodeuricomponent(str).replace(/[!'()*\|]/g, function(c) { return '%' + c.charcodeat(0).tostring(16); }) }

Getting the items in listview in android -

i developing application where, each row in list view has got 5 text views(t1..t5) , values in it. have twenty rows each row having different values in, when click on item(on single row) page opens 5 text views. questions is, how values of text views in each row page navigating , put values in textviews. values should vary accordingly depending upon position clicking on. could please me in concept. try this listview.setonitemclicklistener(new onitemclicklistener() { @override public void onitemclick(adapterview<?> parent, view view, int position, long id) { string str = ((textview) view.findviewbyid(; //now pass intent intent intent = new intent(getapplicationcontext(), someactivity.class); intent.putextra("string", str); startactivity(intent); } });

javascript - using snap.svg to move by increment using keyboard arrows -

i trying move svg called mycurser not position. objective move shapes along grid, in case 40x40. later increment changed dynamicly. i know can move to , specify new cx svg. cannot write cx = cx + 40. codepen var s = snap("#svg"); var mycurser =, 0, 10); //var mycurser2 =,40,2) mycurser.attr({ fill: "rgba(255,0,0,0.5)", stroke: "#000", strokewidth: 1 }); var increment = 40; $(document).keydown(function(e) { switch(e.which) { case 37: // left break; case 38: // break; case 39: // right mycurser.transform(t'40','40'); break; case 40: // down break; default: return; // exit handler other keys } e.preventdefault(); // prevent default action (scroll / move caret) }); here's answer gave in email... you want like... mycurser.attr('cx', +mycurser.attr('cx') + 10) note, + in there, make sure doesn't add string, , add

maven-dependency-plugin:unpack Error -

i'm trying extract .exe files dependency jar file , put them under ${}/classes/. but when execute: mvn clean compile dependency:unpack i get: failed execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:2.10:unpack (default-cli) on project simple: either artifact or artifactitems required -> [help 1 i have verified dependencies available in local repository. in example pom below i've used junit example, no matter dependency list, same error. pom.xml: <build> <pluginmanagement> <plugins> <plugin> <groupid>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupid> <artifactid>maven-dependency-plugin</artifactid> <version>2.10</version> <executions> <execution> <id>unpack</id> <phase>package</phase> <goals> <goal>unpack</goal>

Spring fails when java splits classes -

i've created spring security configuration class 2 configuration subclasses frontend & backend. @enablewebsecurity public class securityconfig { private static authenticationprovider authenticationprovider = new fakeauthenticationprovider(); /** * frontend security configuration */ @configuration @order(2) public static class frontendsecurityconfiguration extends websecurityconfigureradapter { @override protected void configure(httpsecurity http) throws exception { http.authenticationprovider(authenticationprovider) .authorizerequests() .antmatchers("/resources/**").permitall() .anyrequest() .hasrole("user") .and() .formlogin() .loginpage( "/login") .permitall() .defaultsuccessurl("/", true); } }

excel - C# Com-Add-In return object or nullable array -

i wrote com-add-in. if return double[] c# code works. but if try return double?[] or object[] type mismatch in vba: dim values() object values = automationobject.getvaluesfromcsharp(5) the c# code: public object[] getvaluesfromcsharp(int id) { return new object[] { 1.0, 5.0, 3.0 }; } or public double?[] getvaluesfromcsharp(int id) { return new double?[] { 1.0, 5.0, 3.0 }; } this works in vba: dim values() double values = automationobject.getvaluesfromcsharp(5) and c#: public double[] getvaluesfromcsharp(int id) { return new double[] { 1.0, 5.0, 3.0 }; }

Function that checks Java program arguments -

i'm trying re-write code in cleaner way: public static void main(string[] args) { if(checkargs(args) < 0) return; return; } private static int checkargs(string[] args) { if (args.length == 0) { system.out.println("error: no args"); return -1; } try{ //if it's number int mynumber = integer.parseint(args[0]); system.out.println("my number is: " + mynumber); } catch (exception e) {//if it's string try{ string[] mystr = args ; system.out.print("my string "); (int i=0; i<args.length; i++) { mystr[i] = args[i]; system.out.print(mystr[i]); } system.out.print("\n"); return 0; } catch(exception err){ system.out.println("error"); return -1; } } return 0; } the code checks program args , t

ios - how to call method in controller from a UIButton in a UITableViewCell -

i have uitableview own uitableviewcells, contains uibutton. uitableview added viewcontroller @ runtime. works fine way see button in cells. when pressing button action called in uitableviewcell. now. how can call method in viewcontroller, when button pressed in cell ? in uitableviewcell class have button in cell: let framebutton_in_cell:cgrect=cgrectmake(0, 0, 40,40); button_in_cell.frame=framebutton_in_cell; button_in_cell.addtarget(self, action: "buttonactiontext:", forcontrolevents: uicontrolevents.touchupinside) button_in_cell.tag = 1; var image2 = uiimage(named: "book"); button_in_cell.setimage(image2, forstate: .normal) var transparent2:uicolor=uicolor(red: 0, green: 0, blue: 0, alpha: 0.0); contentview.addsubview(button_in_cell); and have function buttonactiontext: func buttonactiontimeline(sender:uibutton!) { var btnsendtag:uibutton = sender //do } my uitableview added @ runtime uiviewcontroller: overri

javascript - View can't contain imagesurface on top of a surface inside a scrollview -

define(function(require, exports, module){ var view = require('src/core/view'); var surface = require('src/core/surface'); var imagesurface = require('src/surfaces/imagesurface'); var eventhandler = require('src/core/eventhandler'); var statemodifier = require('src/modifiers/statemodifier'); var rendernode = require('src/core/rendernode'); var transform = require('src/core/transform') function detailedlist(){ view.apply(this, arguments);;; } detailedlist.prototype = object.create(view.prototype); detailedlist.prototype.constructor = detailedlist; detailedlist.default_options = { height: 80, width: undefined, image: '', content: '' } function _createstrips(){ var backgroundsurface = new surface({ size: [this.options.width, this.options.height], properties: { back

php - Yii 2 ActiveDataProvider query with ->all() gives "Call to a member function andFilterWhere() on array" error -

i need pass activedataprovider object view , can't understand why this: $query = incarico::find(); $dataprovider = new activedataprovider([ 'query' => $query, ]); works, while this: $query = incarico::find() ->joinwith('allegatos') ->all(); $dataprovider = new activedataprovider([ 'query' => $query, ]); gives me following error: call member function andfilterwhere() on array you should not apply all() $query since activedataprovider query property expects valid activequery instance while passing results of query.

invalid syntax elif python error -

i'm getting elif error on elif myanswer == "1": line say's syntax error points end of elif. help, appreciate it. #if statements make first scenario run print(place1) while not gameover: print(option1) myanswer = getanswer() elif myanswer == "1": print("nothing happens, dog waits") elif myanswer == "2": print("you nobely decide fight dog.") #if statements make second scenario run print(place2) while not (belly , head , tail): print(option2) myanswer = getanswer(["1","2","3","4"]) if myanswer == "1": print("you scratched dog on head claws") head = true elif myanswer == "2": print("you bite dog's soft belly") belly = true elif myanswer =="3": print("

ios - Which method will be triggered when the notification received on iPhone(not after the notification is tapped and opened)? -

i’m using didreceiveremotenotification payload of notification pushed parse, however, triggered when notification tapped , opened. what i’m trying start alarm remind user notification has arrived, guess didreceiveremotenotification not i’m looking for. method should purpose? thank you! words the wwdc 2014 whats new in ios notifications local , push notifications let background or inactive apps notify users event of interest has occurred, or app has new information them. the wwdc 2013 whats new multitasking tells how work. • add uibackgroundmodes : remote-notification in info.plist • add `content-available: 1 in payload while sending server • lets ios handle open app background mode thats all.... !!! now can set alarm want. may set scheduled local notification until user interact app

How do you include the number of rows in an Excel 2010 worksheet name? -

is possible include number of rows in excel worksheet (that contain data) in worksheet name? names "widgets", them like: "widgets (n)" first row header, total number of rows n-1. thank you. perhaps: sub range_reporter() dim r range dim nlastrow long activesheet.usedrange set r = activesheet.usedrange nlastrow = r.rows.count + r.row - 1 = & "(" & nlastrow - 1 & ")" end sub however count include rows may empty within non-empty rows.

ios - iHasApp framework rejected by Apple? -

my app has been approved before ihasapp. new update has been rejected apple following reason: "applications may use documented apis in manner prescribed apple , must not use or call private apis" found app scan known url schemes using service called ihasapp. how fix that? apple began rejecting apps use canopenurl: determine apps installed on user's device. you'll have remove library in question.

excel formula - Generating 4 results from IF and AND -

i trying combine if statements give me 4 results, use a1, b1 etc ease in a1 enter date in e1 have formula =if(isblank(a1),"",a1+21) generates expected completion date in cell in f1, put actual completion date manually what want generate following in g1 e.g. e1 has 04/05/15 , blank in f1, want give me overdue in h1 e1 has 04/05/15 , date 03/05/15 in f1, want give me closed in h1 e1 has 04/05/15 , date 05/05/15 in f1, want give me closed overdue in h1 e1 has 27/05/15 , blank in f1, want give me open in h1 i can first 2 using formula (for reason whole formula doesnt come on here) =if(and(isblank(f1),f1 w1 cell generates date using today function i'm stuck on other 2 lines , how combine 1 formula, i've tried various ways, "too many arguments" this may make clearer havent got high enough rep post image data manually entered "date informed" i2 04/04/15 i3 04//4/15 i4 04/04/15 i5 04/05/15 formula generates "expected

sql - Left join without multiple rows from right table -

i have 2 tables ( user , salary ). want left join user salary . each user want name , salary. in case have no salary field can left empty. far left join need. want 1 row per user. due defects there can several salaries 1 user (see table salary). want 1 row per user can selected randomly (or top 1). how do that? expected output presented in bottom. user table: user name 1 adam 2 al 3 fred salary table user salary 1 1000 2 2000 2 2000 expected table: user name salary 1 adam 1000 2 al 2000 3 fred null changed user userid user reserved word in sql select u.userid,, max(s.salary) usertable u left join salarytable s on u.userid = s.userid group u.userid, sql fiddle:!6/ce4a8/1/0

wcm - How to pass value from one component to another component -

i working ibm wcm v8 , came problem have pass value 1 menu component (main component) menu component (inner component) . inner component called within main component. , using main component in presentation template . i have tried using, setting application level session variable using plugin component , somehow won't work. any highly appreciated. i able pass value 1 component component using application level session variable available in plugin component. after setting compute="always" in inner component, works fine.

web - Get Real IP address using PHP website and block VPN IP ADDRESS -

i create website using php. , want block vpn ip address or hide ip program. in login. see website can block vpn ip address or hide ip program. how write script php block vpn ip address or hide ip program. it's simple implement: if (in_array($_server['remote_addr'], $blocked_ips)) die("go away!"); ... requires list of ips you'd block. ip hiding works using proxy. there no way detect if user hiding ip besides checking if traffic coming known ip hiding service's ip. might find such list, don't know, that's way go this.

sql - Sub Sorting in Oracle -

i have demographics database have list of population numbers per continent, country, state , city. have added rank column table need update. ranking needs happen @ state level. there rank 1..n each city within state. ranking again begin 1..n state. (note: city names can duplicate.. i.e. city might exist in more 1 state there 2 different rows if happens. pk continent,cntry,state). i've been trying sorts of select subqueries , rank function variations cant head round it. can help? to rank per state need partition by: rank() on (partition continent, cntry, state order poulation desc) if there's city twice state might switch row_number instead. and because small table might consider calculating rank dynamically within view instead of potentially updating large number of rows whenever there's update/insert.

Error when passing argument to function to create sequence of dates in R -

i'm trying create function takes dates of dataframe, , creates sequence based on min , max of date column dataframe: seqgen <- function(date,data){ sequ <- data.frame(seq(min(, max(, "day" ))) return(sequ) } however returns error do not know how convert 'x' class “posixlt” if outside of function : sequ <- data.frame(seq(min($date)), max($date)), "day")) it works fine , creates "sequ" data.frame. the argument formatted date type. df: structure(list(date = structure(c(16526, 16556, 16587, 16617, 16648, 16679, 16709, 16740, 16770, 16801, 16832, 16861), class = "date"), aggregator.spend..incl.vat. = c(60902, 69361, 62905, 57568, 49662, 47222, 53818, 50798, 40480, 61323, 54975, 56608), affiliate.spend..incl.vat. = c(108508, 104398, 102589, 88613, 78514, 72745, 84362, 86809, 91729, 110143, 99682, 107421)), .names = c("date", - What does web.config's codeBase's href element do? -

what href element of web.config's codebase element? does go out web address , read file remotely? according codebase element docs href attribute: specifies url runtime can find specified version of assembly. if assembly not private assembly can on internet, assembly web address. can local relative path applications directory well.