
Showing posts from June, 2010

java - floreant POS : error in building jar file using maven -

i have downloaded source code of floreant pos official site, , tried built project using maven. requires 2 commands mvn clean & mvn pacakage , when tried use these gives me following error [error] failed execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:buildnumber-maven-plugin:1.3:cr eate (default) on project floreantpos: cannot revision information scm repository : [error] exception while executing scm command. svn: e155007: 'e:\pos\floreantpos -code-452-trunk' not working copy [error] -> [help 1] org.apache.maven.lifecycle.lifecycleexecutionexception: failed execute goal o rg.codehaus.mojo:buildnumber-maven-plugin:1.3:create (default) on project florea ntpos: cannot revision information scm repository : exception while executing scm command. @ org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.mojoexecutor.execute(mojoexecutor .java:216) @ org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.mojoexecutor.execute(mojoexecutor .java:153) @ org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.mojoexecut

reporting services - Error SSRS processing in Visual Studio 2012 -

i have ssrs reporting connected ssas cube. when run report in visual studio error: exception of type microsoft.reportingservices.reportprocessing.reportprocessingexception thrown but if run query ssms works fine. issue?

node.js - Travis build for mocha-phantomjs test is failing -

i testing api using mocha-phantomjs test. tests passing when try run system when try on travis ci says permission denied not figure out how process that. build link is the problem coming because using secure version of http if run test using simple http kind of works travis fails https i had @ problem , think found problem. it looks travis ci not project has node modules committed in git repository. so did deleted node_modules directory , committed changes. as can see, unit tests run mocha-phantomjs : travis ci build log hope helps!

maven - mvn clean install throwing build failure error -

i new maven. cloned repository git , saved in location on machine. have git bash, cd'ing location saved code , trying execute mvn clean install command. seeing below error. unable locate pom files. how can solve problem?. have tried deleting code , cloning again has not helped. below pom file: <project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemalocation=""> <modelversion>4.0.0</modelversion> <groupid>com.xxxx</groupid> <artifactid>xxx-xxx</artifactid> <version>sprint1506-snapshot</version> <packaging>pom</packaging> <name>xxx-xxx</name> <url></url> <description> mega pom combine xxx, xxx , xxx projects in single reactor. </descr

algorithm - How to group close addresses? -

i need group addresses given distances. let's have list of 8 addresses. 5 in nyc , 3 in new jersey. 5 in nyc 3 close met , 2 wtc. 3 in nj form 1 group, close met , close wtc. i 'd send address list , closest each other, grouped. there api google maps or bing maps that? if not, have suggestions on how solve this? at question below lots of ways calculate distance mentioned, wonder if there created (and available) these big companies. wouldn't recalculate every address in list every time new 1 added. how group latitude/longitude points 'close' each other? also, there's problem not addressed @ aforementioned question... 1 address can close group , several other groups. instance: in example i've highlighted @ least 4 groups. b forms 1 "close group" a/c, c/f, a/e/g , e/f/d/h. i'd know variables. group address closer, or @ least though limiting groups amount of members. in example, using suggested approach, b part of either red or blac

How to pre-fill a url in HTML -

i'm trying send email ad out clients when click on link website, information such name, email, , dob included on form. i'm using structure right in url , it's pre-filling name, nothing else: params=fname/{{firstname}}/lname/{{lastname}}/birthdate/{{dob_year}}/{{dob_month}}/{{dob_day}}/email/{{email}} what do? that's because use / separator birthdate data. try use separator year/month/day params=fname/{{firstname}}/lname/{{lastname}}/birthdate/{{dob_year}}-{{dob_month}}-{{dob_day}}/email/{{email}} if need slash birthdate can handle before displaying: php example: $date = implode('/', explode('-', $_get['birthdate']));

How to enable MSDTC on SQL Server 2014? -

i have installed sql server enterprise version on local windows server, , have need enable msdtc services. i have contacted microsoft help, taking long time respond. use windows server 2008 r2 click start , click run , type dcomcnfg , click ok open component services . in console tree, click expand component services , click expand computers , click expand my computer , click expand distributed transaction coordinator , click local dtc . right click local dtc , click properties display local dtc properties dialog box. click security tab. check mark "network dtc access" checkbox. finally check mark "allow inbound" , "allow outbound" checkboxes. click apply , ok . a message pop restarting service. click ok , that's all.

java - RelationshipEntity not persisted -

i'm having problems relation @relationshipentity(type = reltypes.tag.tag_on_object_evaluation) public class tagonobjectevaluation { @startnode private mashup taggableobject; @endnode private tag tag; // other fields, getters , setters } in both entities involved ( mashup , tag ), have field (with opposite direction) @relatedtovia(type = reltypes.tag.tag_on_object_evaluation, direction = direction.incoming /*direction.outgoing*/) private set<tagonobjectevaluation> tagonobjectevaluations = new hashset<tagonobjectevaluation>(); then, have various service class manage tag , mashup , tagonobjectevaluation . class under test latter. note: name bit confusing , it's legacy previous coder, can read dao service. genericneo4jdaoimpl (again, read genericserviceneo4jimpl) defines standard methods entities management ( create() , find() , update() , delete() , fetch() ) @service public class tagonobjectevaluationdaoneo4jimpl extends

Erlang basic syntax error -

i try learn erlang. i've installed runtime cannot working. following code: x=3. works, following doesn't f(x)->x. or f() ->0. or f([])->[]. etc. produce "1: syntax error before: '->'" tried "word_count" tutorial: , same error. what wrong here? in repl have use fun(...) -> ... end : 1> f = fun(x) -> x end. #fun<erl_eval.6.80484245> 2> f(42). 42 if have code in file use c command: 1> c(word_count). {ok,word_count} 2> word_count:word_count([]). 0

rpc - Hello, Can anyone show me an example (code) of a Remote Call Back in RMI ? Is their standard code for this process? -

is revisions i'm doing on rmi? been researching , finding difficult find example of "a remote call back". ok, shall add this, following way describe example of callback? "you have server , client. server calls method client, client has looked server , passed reference itself." how's that? better? thanks, caroline is way describe example of callback ? "you have server , client. server calls method client, client has looked server , passed reference". yes. you've omitted client object must exported remote object, typically extending unicastremoteobject, , must implement remote interface. server.

javascript - Expire check boxes cookies on click button -

i have multiple checkboxes in datatable 1 name , different values can store cookie checkbox in checked following code $(document).ready(function(){ $('input[type=checkbox]').each(function() { var mycookie = $.cookie($(this).attr('value')); if (mycookie && mycookie == "true") { $(this).prop('checked', mycookie); } }); $('input[type=checkbox]').change(function() { var date = new date(); var uncheckdate = new date(); // expire cookies after 1 day if checked date.settime(date.gettime() + (1 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); // expire cookies after 1 seconds if unchecked uncheckdate.settime(date.gettime() + ( 1 * 1000)); $.cookie($(this).attr("value"), $(this).prop('checked'), { path: '/', expires: date }); $.cookie($(this).attr("value"), $(this).prop('unchecked'), { path: '/', expires: uncheckdate

css - onHover Button cut out a triangle and show Background -

this question has answer here: transparent arrow/triangle 3 answers i want cut out triangle shape if button hover in picture: i use site bootstrap here example navbar: i hope understand want do. i know not answer wanted it's not clean think you'll have cut out arrow in image posted , set background image in :after pseudo element in code: nav ul li a:hover:after { content:""; display: block; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 50%; -wekit-transform: translatex(-50%); -moz-transform: translatex(-50%); -o-transform: translatex(-50%); transform: translatex(-50%); background-image: url(; background-attachment: fixed; height: 15px; width: 40px; } mvc 4 - How to Deny access to one page when you are not logged in MVC 4? -

i have non logged web application contain 50 pages, need have 1 logged page "testpage" how can this: <authentication mode="forms"> <forms loginurl="~/login/loginexpiration.aspx" defaulturl="~/home/default.aspx" slidingexpiration="true" timeout="120" /> </authentication> <authorization> <allow users="?" /> </authorization> <location path="testpage"> <system.web> <authorization> <deny users="?" /> </authorization> </system.web> </location> in config file location means not page name folder. create folder called testpage, place page there , work

c# - Get all nodes in a tree -

i have little issue following program internal ienumerable<t> getitems<t>(string nodename) t : root, new() { var node = new t(); return getitems(nodename, node).cast<t>(); } public ienumerable<root> getitems(string nodename, root root) { // } i know how change c++ code. have tried template<class t> list<t> getitems(string nodename) { auto node = new t(); return getitems(nodename, node); } list<root> getitems(string nodename, root root) { // } now mess little typedef shared_ptr<root> root_ptr; class smallroot:public root{}; list<root_ptr> getitems(string nodename, root_ptr rootptr) { //do , return list of share pointers } then stuck @ how redesign template getitems feed smallroot classes

python - Swig and multidimensional arrays -

i using swig interface python c code. i want call c function takes argument struct containing int** var: typedef struct { (...) int** my2darray; } mystruct; void mycfunction( mystruct struct ); i struggling multi dimensional arrays. my code looks this: in interface file, using carray this: %include carrays.i %array_class( int, intarray ); %array_class( intarray, intarrayarray ); in python, have: mystruct = mymodule.mystruct() var = mymodule.intarrayarray(28) j in range(28): var1 = mymodule.intarray(28) in range(28): var1[i] = (...) filling var1 (...) var[j] = var1 mystruct.my2darray = var mycfonction( mystruct ) i error on line mystruct.my2darray = var: typeerror: in method 'mastruct_montableau2d_set', argument 2 of type 'int **' i did doubt linge %array_class( intarray, intarrayarray ) tried using typedef int* create array this: %array_class( mytypedef, intarrayarray ); didn't seem work. do know how han

javascript - Angular Accordion not expanding the height -

i'm using angular accordion directive hide/show content. the problem facing height of content's container not changing. here's plunker: if click on show more, can see how contents hidden rather height of show-jobs changing. js: app.directive('slidercontentdirective', function () { return { restrict:'a', compile: function (element, attr) { // wrap tag var contents = element.html(); element.html('<div class="slideable_content" style="margin:0 !important; padding:0 !important" >' + contents + '</div>'); return function postlink(scope, element, attrs) { // default properties attrs.duration = (!attrs.duration) ? '0.7s' : attrs.duration; attrs.easing = (!attrs.easing) ? 'ease-in-out' : attrs.easing; elemen

html - How to create bootstrap page header navbar with static subitems? -

i create page header menu bootstrap image below (i wondering how create "+" link below contact menu ). can help? <div class="navbar-collapse collapse"> <ul class="nav navbar-nav"> <li>@html.actionlink("contacts", "index", "contacts")</li> <li>@html.actionlink("administration", "index", "settings")</li> </ul> @html.partial("_loginpartial") </div> you can achieve either adding span in li , or targeting first list element , using pseudo-element ::after here example using ::after :

How save image in parse cloud using javascript -

we trying save image in parse using cloudcode. followed link . new javascript,plz guide us...! in advance....... var url = file.url();{ url: url }).then(function(response) { // create image data. var image = new image(); return image.setdata(response.buffer); }.then(function(image) { // scale image size. return image.scale({ width: 64, height: 64 }); }.then(function(image) { // bytes of new image. return; }.then(function(buffer) { // save bytes new file. var file = new parse.file("image.jpg", { base64: data.tostring("base64"); }); return; }); getting error there's repeated syntax mistake @ end of each function parameter then. the syntax is: somepromise.then(function() { // success }).then(function() { // code says '}.' instead of '}).' // success }); there's optional error function callback second param: somepromise.then(function() {

javascript - jQuery get button classname on button click -

i trying assign textbox value on button click. assigning value previous textbox of button. used var classic =; alert(classic); gives error undefined. how can identify button clicked either class name or id or other way. jquery(document).ready(function() { var formfield; var classic =; /* user clicks button on custom field, runs below code opens new window */ jquery(classic).click(function() { formfield = jquery(this).prev('input'); //the input field hold uploaded file url tb_show('','media-upload.php?tb_iframe=true'); return false; }); //adding custom function thick box close function tb_close() . window.old_tb_remove = window.tb_remove; window.tb_remove = function() { window.old_tb_remove(); // calls tb_remove() of thickbox plugin formfield=null; }; // user inserts file post. run custom if u

c# - How to add image icon to title bar and hide bottom bar in Compact Framework.? -

1) want add logo(image) in form header. how do ? 2) in windows phone bottom bar appears sign of keyboard. how remove bar using custom keyboard. ? title bar the bottom bar can 'removed' removing (set null) mainmenu of form. the caption bar (top bar) can not latered easily, shared between windows on windows mobile device. screen shot shows windows mobile screen of windows mobile 6.x before 6.5. target device using. ask start menu icon move bottom of screen menu bar windows mobile 6.5. top bar called taskbar , holds notification icons. need use notification api add notification icon taskbar: create taskbar icon in windows mobile 6.5?

netsuite - Add new Shipping carrier under Shipping tab -

i have requirement add new shipping carrier under shipping carrier under salesorder>shipping tab> see ups & fedes/more. need add 1 more carrier .how this? there option add carrier account setup> accounting>shipping how can in adding new value in shipping carrier list?

arrays - Randomize heights Javascript -

i'm making little data-chart in javascript school. have make random button , have no idea how to? tried lot of thing nothing happening. idee? here code (function() { var canvas = document.getelementbyid('canvas'); var ctx = canvas.getcontext('2d'); var height = -20; var xposnew = -950; var turning = 0; var button; var dataname = ["space invaders","street fighter ii","donkey kong","pac-man","asteroids","defender","ms. pac-man","centipede","galaxian","starhorse2","donkey kong jr.","mr. do!","tempest","mortal kombat ii","beatmania","q*bert","mortal kombat","robotron: 2084","dig dug","pole position","popeye","out run","pump up","missile command","jungle hunt","dragon's lair",

Setting name of Chrome Extension in self-hosting (update.xml) -

i have extension hosting on server using autoupdating scheme described here , , installing on google apps domain through admin console. when adding extension custom app, can identified id, kind of ugly , opaque: is there field in update.xml or can use set friendly name, and/or icon?

jquery - Add loading indicator to fullcalendar -

i'm trying add loading spins like this fullcalendar, when i'm changing months in it. how can that? fullcalendar v1: should make use of loading function triggered when event fetching starts/stops. $('#calendar').fullcalendar({ loading: function( isloading, view ) { if(isloading) {// isloading gives boolean value //show loader here } else { //hide loader here } } }); fullcalendar v2: when scheduler plugin loaded, callback fired when resources fetched.

xml - how to autofill data by selecting employee name here? -

i have data auto-fil if select emp name other fields should auto fill. here have added tree view .py , xml file please me this, , want 1 more filed attachment particular employee. from openerp.osv import fields, osv class hr_employee(osv.osv): _inherit="hr.employee" _columns={ 'emp_line':fields.one2many('empl.line','emp_id','employee line'), } class empl_line(osv.osv): _name="empl.line" appointment_selection=[ ('0','regular'), ('1','aditional'), ('2','deputation'), ('3','incharge'), ] _columns = { 'name':fields.selection(appointment_selection,'appointment for'), 'surname':fields.char('name'), 'doj''date of joining'), 'dor''date of relieving'), 'emp_id': fie

android - Cannot generate Zomato Api key -

i trying integrate zomato api in application.i have gone through official doc,but not able find way generate zomato api key. please see this link. the doc says: api authentication api key in order use api must obtain api key zomato. key unique each user/developer. please keep key confidential misuse might result in termination of access of key api. for authenticating requests in real time your api key must passed x-zomato-api-key header in every request. but cannot find way create api key.anyone knows how create one? i registered via google account, zomato said this here link

jquery - nodejs hosting with PHP/Mysql -

i have gone through nodejs , php hosting i have website in php/mysql , node js. common functionalities login, register, manage users can managed in php (saves time) , realtime updates in nodejs (learning curve). have never bought hosting server before. better option newbie hosting in php/mysql , in node js (only real time updates managed using node js) hosting in node js (devlope entire website in node) which feasible in terms of cost, support , maintenance. is there check list can me while buying hosting server php+mysql+nodejs or nodejs you said read nodejs , php hosting ... answer in subject. the options digitalocean , aws (amazon webservices) , heroku . the easiest digitalocean according dencker. personnaly tried heroku , needed.

android - How to access SQLite db, created in an Activity, from a Fragment? -

i have local sqlite db created in, so: db = new sqlitehandler(getapplicationcontext()); string name = user.getstring("name"); string surname = user.getstring("surname"); string title= user.getstring("title"); db.adduser(name, surname, title); i have fragment several textfields. wish fill these fields data db created in activity. below: @override public view oncreateview(layoutinflater inflater, viewgroup container, bundle savedinstancestate) { view v = inflater.inflate(r.layout.fragment_first, container, false); //set inputs fields inputtitle = (edittext) v.findviewbyid(; inputname = (edittext) v.findviewbyid(; inputsurname = (edittext) v.findviewbyid(; textview tv = (textview) v.findviewbyid(; tv.settext(getarguments().getstring("msg")); return v; // fetching user details sql

kannel - Mbuni: mms submitted properly but images not getting download -

i using mbuni sending mms smil content http url content-type=application/smil and content-url=http://localhost/testsmil.smil right mms getting submitted handset images not getting download. group = core log-file = /tmp/mms/log/mmsbox.log access-log = /tmp/mms/log/mmsbox-access.log log-level = 0 group = mbuni storage-directory = /var/spool/mbuni max-send-threads = 5 maximum-send-attempts = 1 default-message-expiry = 360000 queue-run-interval = 5 send-attempt-back-off = 300 sendmms-port = 10001 content-adaptation = false allow-adaptations = 0 group = mmsc id = 123456 mmsc-url = http://123456:myvasid@<mmsc_ip>:8080/vas_soap incoming-username = 123456 incoming-password = pwd incoming-port = 12345 type = soap default-vasid = myvasid content-adaptation = false allow-adaptations = 0 group = send-mms-user username = tester password = foobar faked-sender = 100

python - How to get the literal place of variable definition with clang -

i have following scenario. some_header.h #define some_vars \ int first_var; \ char other_var; source_file.c #include "some_header.h" some_vars now clang can dump ast , see knows variables literally defined: clang -xclang -ast-dump -fsyntax-only source_file.c translationunitdecl 0x8007f4c0 <<invalid sloc>> |-typedefdecl 0x8007f790 <<invalid sloc>> __builtin_va_list 'char *' |-vardecl 0x8007f7d0 <./some_header.h:2:3, col:7> first_var 'int' -------------------------- part i'm looking `-vardecl 0x8007f810 <line:3:3, col:8> other_var 'char' ----------------- , i'm trying information using libclang , python far have been unsuccessful. where need information? inforamiton available in c interface maybe not yet ported python?

javascript - Php escaping double quotes while echoing variable -

i have got piece of php code passed javascript need escape double quotes (single quotes not working). problem include php variable in it: $event_list.="<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"myid\" value=\"".$event['id']."\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"ticket_type\" value=\"account\">"; my problem value=\"".$event['id']."\" returns value how should manage pass value correctly? if need escape quotes again may need use \\" pass \" through js that should slash slash slash quote ( \ \ \ " )

eclipse - Android Developer Tools (ADT) not visible from console -

i've installed adt via marketplace in sts, android sdk installed, can't run 'adt' cmd, message says not recognized command. doing wrong? path variable is: path=c:\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\11.2.0\server\bin;;c:\programdata\oracle\java\javapath;c:\program files (x86)\amd app\bin\x86_64;c:\program files (x86)\amdapp\bin\x86;c:\windows\system32;c:\windows;c:\windows\system32\wbem;c:\windows\system32\windowspowershell\v1.0\;c:\program files (x86)\ati technologies\ati.ace\core-static;%maven_home%\bin;c:\program files\apache software foundation\apache-maven-3.2.3\bin;c:\program files\java\jdk1.8.0_20\bin;c:\program files (x86)\microsoft sql server\90\tools\binn\;c:\program files (x86)\windows kits\8.1\windows performance toolkit\;c:\program files\microsoft sql server\110\tools\binn\;c:\program files (x86)\microsoft sdks\typescript\1.0\;c:\program files\microsoft sql server\120\tools\binn\;c:\program files (x86)\common files\adobe air;%androi

php - MySQL - select in an insert -

this question has answer here: mysql insert select problem 1 answer i want insert ids 1 table along post variables of form. insert tickets (name,text,betreff,priority,statusid,date,user_id) values ( '".mysql_real_escape_string( $name )."', '".mysql_real_escape_string( $text )."', '".mysql_real_escape_string( $betreff )."', '".mysql_real_escape_string( $priority )."', '".mysql_real_escape_string( $statusid )."', now() (select id login) )"; that gets me error! you have error in sql syntax; check manual corresponds mysql server version right syntax use near '(select id login))' @ line 10 any suggestions? you missing where clause, selecting multiple ids single insert statement. select id lo

symfony - Symfony2 how to structure a project when there is a lot of entity? -

i have project split in several parts, because have lot of entity(and controllers , forms come them), in relation, , question is, how have structure project need have 1 bundle several subfolder or several bundles because best practice says bundle independent , can deleted, app still works. thank in advance , sorry low english level. following diagram summarizes question. src/ appbundle/ controller/ customercontroller/ custommercontroller.php ... salecontroller/ ... or src/ customerbundle/ controller/ salebundle/ controller/ ... best regards toniouch. use bundles, make them small need be. having one, generic, tightly coupled bundle bad idea because it's hard maintain app grows. the recommended bundle structure there reason! :) more info on bundles here:

OMM in Android 5.0 -

in application capturing images , creating bitmap, below code byte[] data; options=new bitmapfactory.options();// create object of bitmapfactory's option method further option use options.inpurgeable = true; cleaned=bitmapfactory.decodebytearray(data, 0, data.length,options); this working fine in kitkat , below , able captured more 30 images, in lollipop when captured 19 images no issue, after app crashed oom. can 1 give me solution, how handle oom in lollipop. i capturing image bycalling imagecleanuptask follwoing code private camera.parameters previewparams=null; previewparams=camera.getparameters(); camera.parameters pictureparams=camera.getparameters(); camera.size picturesize=, pictureparams); system.out.println("picture size : "+picturesize.width+ " x "+picturesize.height); //pictureparams.setpicturesize(picturesize.width,picturesize.height);