javascript - does netsuite support preventDefault()? -

im using bootstrap create tab content. works fine outside netsuite. once put page netsuite gives me error saying "cannot assign read property 'preventdefault' of error"

my page this


<ul id="hiretab" class="nav nav-tabs" data-tabs="tabs">      <li class="active"><a href="#tabone" data-toggle="tab">one</a>      <li class="active"><a href="#tabtwo" data-toggle="tab">two</a>      <li class="active"><a href="#tabthree" data-toggle="tab">three</a> </ul>  <div  class="tab-content">     <div id="tabone" class="tab-pane active">         one, 1 one     </div>     <div id="tabtwo" class="tab-pane active">         two, 2 two     </div>     <div id="tabthree" class="tab-pane active">         three, 3 three     </div> </div> 


<script type="text/javascript">     jquery(function() {        jquery('#hiretab a').click(function(e) {            e.preventdefault();            jquery(this).tab('show');        });     }); </script> 

on closer found tab changing working. after tab changes, preventdefault doesnt stop page junmping.

any idea why or solution? new netsuite bear me if question stupid.

update: 1 hr of googling lead me page. appears backbone hijacking browser , changed behavior of it.

the syntax href="#xxx" intercepted backbone , interpreted "home_url/xxx".

the problem how stop backbone doing when dont want mess backbone code while im not sure how effect other parts of project.

my temporary solution event.stoppropagation().

final working code is:

<script type="text/javascript">     jquery(function() {        jquery('#hiretab a').click(function(e) {            e.preventdefault();            e.stoppropagation();            jquery(this).tab('show');//maybe line not needed        });     }); </script> 

what function kills request , stop going dom tree.

description: prevents event bubbling dom tree, preventing parent handlers being notified of event.

it brutal way of doing this. im sure there more elegant or native of getting work.


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