OMM in Android 5.0 -
in application capturing images , creating bitmap, below code
byte[] data; options=new bitmapfactory.options();// create object of bitmapfactory's option method further option use options.inpurgeable = true; cleaned=bitmapfactory.decodebytearray(data, 0, data.length,options);
this working fine in kitkat , below , able captured more 30 images, in lollipop when captured 19 images no issue, after app crashed oom.
can 1 give me solution, how handle oom in lollipop.
i capturing image bycalling imagecleanuptask follwoing code
private camera.parameters previewparams=null; previewparams=camera.getparameters(); camera.parameters pictureparams=camera.getparameters(); camera.size picturesize=, pictureparams); system.out.println("picture size : "+picturesize.width+ " x "+picturesize.height); //pictureparams.setpicturesize(picturesize.width,picturesize.height); list<camera.size> sizes = pictureparams.getsupportedpreviewsizes(); for(camera.size s:sizes) { system.out.println(s.height+"///"+s.width); } camera.size cs = sizes.get(0); pictureparams.setpreviewsize(cs.width, cs.height); //pictureparams.setpicturesize(320,460); pictureparams.setpictureformat(imageformat.jpeg); if (xact.flashmode != null) { pictureparams.setflashmode(xact.flashmode); } if (!onorientationchange.isenabled()) { setcamerapictureorientation(pictureparams); } camera.setparameters(, pictureparams)); xact.cameraview=this; postdelayed(new runnable() { @override public void run() { try { if(picturetransactioncallback!=null) picturetransactioncallback=null; picturetransactioncallback=new picturetransactioncallback(xact); camera.takepicture(xact, null, picturetransactioncallback); picturetransactioncallback=null; } catch (exception e) { android.util.log.e(getclass().getsimplename(), "exception taking picture", e); // todo out library clients } } }, 1000); private class picturetransactioncallback implements camera.picturecallback { picturetransaction xact=null; picturetransactioncallback(picturetransaction xact) { this.xact=xact; } @override public void onpicturetaken(byte[] data, camera camera) { camera.setparameters(previewparams); if (data != null) { if(imagecleanuptask!=null) imagecleanuptask=null; imagecleanuptask= new imagecleanuptask(getcontext(), data, cameraid, xact); imagecleanuptask.start(); data=null; } if (!xact.usesingleshotmode()) { startpreview(); } } }
and imagecleanuptask thread.
public class imagecleanuptask extends thread { private byte[] data; private int cameraid; private picturetransaction xact=null; private boolean applymatrix=true; static bitmapfactory.options options; static matrix matrix=null; static bitmap cleaned=null; static exifinterface exif=null; static activitymanager am; static bitmap original; public imagecleanuptask(context ctxt, byte[] data, int cameraid, picturetransaction xact) {; this.cameraid=cameraid; this.xact=xact; float heappct=(float)data.length / calculateheapsize(ctxt); applymatrix=(heappct <; activitymanager mgr = (activitymanager)ctxt.getsystemservice(context.activity_service); activitymanager.memoryinfo info = new activitymanager.memoryinfo(); mgr.getmemoryinfo(info); system.out.println("available ememory app: "+info.availmem/(1024*1024)); // double available = new double(debug.getnativeheapsize())/1048576; options=new bitmapfactory.options();// create object of bitmapfactory's option method further option use options.inpurgeable = true; } @override public void run() { camera.camerainfo info=new camera.camerainfo(); camera.getcamerainfo(cameraid, info); if (applymatrix) { if (info.facing == camera.camerainfo.camera_facing_front) { if ( && (xact.displayorientation == 90 || xact.displayorientation == 270)) { matrix=flip(new matrix()); } else if (xact.mirrorffc()) { matrix=mirror(new matrix()); } } try { int imageorientation=0; if ( { imageorientation=xact.displayorientation; } else { exif=new exifinterface(); exif.readexif(data); integer exiforientation= exif.gettagintvalue(exifinterface.tag_orientation); if (exiforientation != null) { if (exiforientation == 6) { imageorientation=90; } else if (exiforientation == 8) { imageorientation=270; } else if (exiforientation == 3) { imageorientation=180; } else if (exiforientation == 1) { imageorientation=0; } else { // imageorientation= //; // // if (imageorientation == -1) { // imageorientation=xact.displayorientation; // } } } } if (imageorientation != 0) { matrix= rotate((matrix == null ? new matrix() : matrix), imageorientation); } } catch (ioexception e) { log.e("cwac-camera", "exception parsing jpeg", e); // todo: ripple client } if (matrix != null) { if( options==null){ options=new bitmapfactory.options();// create object of bitmapfactory's option method further option use options.inpurgeable = true; } original= bitmapfactory.decodebytearray(data, 0, data.length,options); cleaned= bitmap.createbitmap(original, 0, 0, original.getwidth(), original.getheight(), matrix, true); original.recycle(); } } if (xact.needbitmap) { if (cleaned == null) { if( options==null){ options=new bitmapfactory.options();// create object of bitmapfactory's option method further option use options.inpurgeable = true; } cleaned=bitmapfactory.decodebytearray(data, 0, data.length,options); }, cleaned); } if (xact.needbytearray) { if (matrix != null) { bytearrayoutputstream out=new bytearrayoutputstream(); // if (exif == null) { cleaned.compress(bitmap.compressformat.jpeg, 100, out); // } // else { // exif.deletetag(exifinterface.tag_orientation); // // try { // exif.writeexif(cleaned, out); // } // catch (ioexception e) { // log.e("cwac-camera", "exception writing jpeg", // e); // // todo: ripple client // } // } data=out.tobytearray(); try { out.flush(); out.close(); } catch (ioexception e) { log.e(cameraview.tag, "exception in closing baos???", e); } }, data); } try{ if(cleaned!=null) cleaned.recycle(); data=null; system.gc(); }catch(exception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } } // private matrix mirror(matrix input) { float[] mirrory= { -1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 }; matrix matrixmirrory=new matrix(); matrixmirrory.setvalues(mirrory); input.postconcat(matrixmirrory); return(input); } private matrix flip(matrix input) { float[] mirrory= { -1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 }; matrix matrixmirrory=new matrix(); matrixmirrory.setvalues(mirrory); input.prescale(1.0f, -1.0f); input.postconcat(matrixmirrory); return(input); } private matrix rotate(matrix input, int degree) { input.setrotate(degree); return(input); } @targetapi(build.version_codes.honeycomb) private int calculateheapsize(context ctxt) { am= (activitymanager)ctxt.getsystemservice(context.activity_service); int memoryclass=am.getmemoryclass(); if (build.version.sdk_int >= build.version_codes.honeycomb) { if ((ctxt.getapplicationinfo().flags & applicationinfo.flag_large_heap) != 0) { memoryclass=am.getlargememoryclass(); } } return(memoryclass * 1048576); // mb * bytes in mb } }
in nexus7(kitkat) able take more images , editable images,but when run app in samsung tablet(lollipop) app crashed.
for every capture image log 05-15 15:52:43.204: i/art(4858): explicit concurrent mark sweep gc freed 2656(235kb) allocspace objects, 2(25mb) los objects, 8% free, 173mb/189mb, paused 566us total 34.267ms 05-15 15:52:43.229: i/art(4858): explicit concurrent mark sweep gc freed 10(384b) allocspace objects, 0(0b) los objects, 8% free, 173mb/189mb, paused 554us total 24.596ms
here 173mb/189mb showing used heap size , 20mb 30mb incresing every captured image, when reached 512 app crashed in samsung
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