ruby - Rails - SQLite, table error -

im new in rails , have project school. did :

bundle exec rails g migration addtypetocarte type:belongs_to 

but have error when did migration (rake db:migrate)

this class addtypetocarte

class addtypetocarte < activerecord::migration   def change     add_reference :cartes, :type, index: true, foreign_key: true   end end 

my error in terminal :

sqlite3::sqlexception: no such table: cartes: alter table "cartes" add "type_id" integer/users/pierresisson/documents/hearthdex/db/migrate/20150515075035_add_type_to_carte.rb:3:in `change' activerecord::statementinvalid: sqlite3::sqlexception: no such table: cartes: alter table "cartes" add "type_id" integer /users/pierresisson/documents/hearthdex/db/migrate/20150515075035_add_type_to_carte.rb:3:in `change' sqlite3::sqlexception: no such table: cartes /users/pierresisson/documents/hearthdex/db/migrate/20150515075035_add_type_to_carte.rb:3:in `change' 

i tried add type_id doesnt work. think have no table named "cartes" :/ need please, !

first create model named carte (rails g model carte) run rails generate migration addtypereftocarte type:references.

also in carte model file add belongs_to :type. can read more associations here.


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