c# - How can I navigate to a specific hub when I come back from another page Windows Phone 8.1 -

i have 2 hubsections....

the first....

<hubsection  header="graduação piedade - jaboatão">                     <datatemplate>                         <grid>                             <listview x:name="list"  selecteditem="true" selectionchanged="lista_gradua_pie">                                 <grid>                                     <image source="/assets/adm.jpg" verticalalignment="center" horizontalalignment="center"/>                                     <border background="#a5000000" height="80" verticalalignment="bottom">                                         <textblock text="administração" fontfamily="segoe ui" fontsize="26.667" foreground="#ccffffff" padding="15,20"/>                                     </border>                                 </grid> 

and second....

<hubsection  header="graduação recife">                     <datatemplate>                         <grid>                             <listview selecteditem="true" selectionchanged="lista_recife">                                 <grid>                                     <image source="/assets/mecan.jpg" verticalalignment="center" horizontalalignment="center"/>                                     <border background="#a5000000" height="80" verticalalignment="bottom">                                         <textblock text="engenharia mecânica" fontfamily="segoe ui" fontsize="26.667" foreground="#ccffffff" padding="15,20"/>                                     </border>                                 </grid> 

and can see inside of "selectionchanged" have this..

var = sender listview;         if (a.selectedindex == 0)         {             await dispatcher.runasync(coredispatcherpriority.normal, () => this.frame.navigate(typeof(adm)));         } 

but, everytime when comeback page (adm) go first hubsection, want go hubsection wish!

in onnavigatedto() can set hub.defaultsectionindex property.


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