angularjs - Angular Js : undefined value in pop up -

i problem in angularjs when getting data json using service factory ($resource)

services.factory('getcustomerbyemailfactory', function ($resource) {     return $resource(url + '/customerservice/getcustomerbymail?email=:email', {}, {         getbymail: { method: 'get', params: {email: '@email'} }     }); }); 

this service works

but controller part doesn't work

app.controller('customercreationctrl', ['$scope','postcustomerfactory', '$location','subscription','addnotificationfactory','$routeparams','getcustomerbyemailfactory',     function ($scope, postcustomerfactory, $location,subscription,addnotificationfactory,$routeparams,getcustomerbyemailfactory) {         $scope.customer ={};          $scope.not ={};          $scope.aftercustomer ={};            $scope.createnewcustomer = function(){                number($scope.customer.phonenumber);               $scope.customer.subscriptiondate = "1990-02-23t00:00:00";               $scope.customer.manageridcustomer=1;                postcustomerfactory.create($scope.customer);                var customer = getcustomerbyemailfactory.getbymail({email:$}).$promise;              customer.then(function (responce){                 $scope.aftercustomer = responce;                  window.alert($;                 $scope.not.customerid =  $;                 $scope.not.managerid = $;                addnotificationfactory.create($scope.not);               });                                  $location.path("/login");           };       }]); 

the window.alert show me undefined value doesn't data


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