Android textview get line count before draw on canvas -

i want line count before drawing text. here in code i'm getting count(current line number). it's working not correct. in while loop i'm setting 1 word @ 1 step trying know line count comparing canvas width , temp text width.

    private void draw(canvas canvas, string text, int size) {     canvas.drawpaint(paint);      tv = new textview(mcontext);      tv.settextcolor(;      tv.settextsize(size);      int lineheight = tv.getlineheight();      // max lines on screen     int lines = canvas.getheight() / lineheight;      //max_height = lines * tv.getlineheight();      string screentext = "";      pattern stuff = pattern.compile("[\\w']+|[\\s.,!?;:-]");     matcher matcher = stuff.matcher(text);     list<string> matchlist = new arraylist<string>();      while (matcher.find()) {         matchlist.add(;     }      // string wholetext[] = text.split(" ");      int = 0;     string word;     paint.settextsize(size*3);      while (count <= lines-1&&i<=matchlist.size()-1) {         word = matchlist.get(i++);         //wholetext[i++];          screentext += word;         tempstr += word;          float w = paint.measuretext(tempstr, 0, tempstr.length());          if(canvas.getwidth() <= w) {             count++;             tempstr=word;         }          if(count>lines){             break;         }          tv.settext(screentext);      }      // have enable setdrawingcacheenabled, or getdrawingcache return null     tv.setdrawingcacheenabled(true);      tv.measure(measurespec.makemeasurespec(canvas.getwidth(), measurespec.exactly), measurespec.makemeasurespec(canvas.getheight(), measurespec.exactly));     tv.setpadding(10,0,10,0);     //tv.layout(0, 0, tv.getmeasuredwidth(), lines * tv.getlineheight());     tv.layout(0, 0, tv.getmeasuredwidth(), tv.getmeasuredheight());      canvas.drawbitmap(tv.getdrawingcache(), 0, 0, paint);     //canvas.drawtext(tv.gettext().tostring(), 0, 0, paint);     // disable drawing cache     tv.setdrawingcacheenabled(false); } 


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