jira - Python: Subprocess call with wget - Scheme Missing -

i'm trying trying run command wget within python script. follow wget works fine when entering on command line, gives me scheme missing error when try


i'm not sure how fix it, i've tried solutions other questions none of them seem work.

filter_id = 10000 username = 'myusername' password = 'mypassword'  jira_url = '"https://myjiraserver.com/sr/jira.issueviews:searchrequest-excel-all-fields/%d/searchrequest-%d.xls?tempmax=1000&os_username=%s&os_password=%s"' % (filter_id, filter_id, username, password)  output = 'jira_issues.xls' parameter = '--no-check-certificate' subprocess.call(['wget', '-o', output, jira_url, parameter]) 

i wondering if making double quotes or single quotes makes difference, tried both ways , still gives me same error. subprocess.call way go?

thank in advance. :)

try removing quotes jira_url. don't need use quotes group arguments subprocess.call, since they're split list of arguments pass in.

filter_id = 10000 username = 'myusername' password = 'mypassword'  # no quotes around url jira_url = 'https://myjiraserver.com/sr/jira.issueviews:searchrequest-excel-all-fields/%d/searchrequest-%d.xls?tempmax=1000&os_username=%s&os_password=%s' % (filter_id, filter_id, username, password)  output = 'jira_issues.xls' parameter = '--no-check-certificate' subprocess.call(['wget', '-o', output, jira_url, parameter]) 


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