Attach AngularJS directives to live content from jQuery.html() -

i've run issue i've dismay had use update view via jqueries .html function, looks like

$('#directory-view').html( response.html );

this adds items table, markup follows

<tr data-marked="0" id="file-49" data-id="49" data-folder="0" data-readonly="0">                <td width="30">                  <span class="action file"></span>              </td>                <td class="filename">                  readme.txt              </td>                <td width="200" class="uk-text-center">                  text/plain              </td>                <td width="200" class="uk-text-center">                  <span data-uk-tooltip title="15/05/2015 11:17:53">8 minutes ago</span>              </td>                <td width="100" class="uk-text-center">                  owen              </td>    </tr>

then i've got angularjs directive follows

app.directive('marked', function(){      return {          restrict: 'a',          link: function($scope, element, attrs){                /* toggle marked state of table row */              element.on('click', function(e){                  var marked = element.attr("data-marked") == "1" ? "0" : "1";                  element.attr("data-marked", marked);                  $(document).trigger('marked');              });                /* if url contains file-34              automatically scroll , mark selected */              if( window.location.hash && element.attr('data-marked') == "0" ){                  $(window.location.hash).trigger('click');              }          }      };  });

however issue i'm having is, angular isn't detecting new table content isnt attaching directive new items.

i tried luck isn't working

$scope.$apply(function(){      $('#directory-view').html( response.html );  });

could point me in direction make angular check new items , hookup directives again please.

many thanks

you need use compile service on new html

var element = $compile(response.html)($scope); $('#directory-view').html(element); 


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