cypher - Issues while retrieving existing nodes using Spring Data Neo4j -

i created simple sdn project retrieve existing nodes database. in repository, defined custom query using @query annotation

@query("match (emp:employee) emp.empname={0} return emp")

public employee findbyname(string empname);

@relationshipentity(type = "has_address")  class addressrelationship  {  	@graphid  	long id;  	@startnode  	employee employee = null;  	@endnode  	address address = null;    	public addressrelationship(employee employee, address address)  	{  		this.employee = employee;  		this.address = address;  	}    }    @nodeentity  @typealias("employee")  public class employee  {    	@graphid  	long id;    	string empname = null;    	@relatedto(type = "has_address", direction = direction.outgoing)  	@fetch  	set<address> addresses;    	public void addressemplployee(address address)  	{  		if (addresses == null)  		{  			addresses = new hashset<address>();  		}  		//addressrelationship addressrelationship = new addressrelationship(this, address);  		addresses.add(address);  	}    	public set<address> getaddresses()  	{  		return addresses;  	}    	public void setaddresses(set<address> addresses)  	{  		this.addresses = addresses;  	}    	public long getid()  	{  		return id;  	}    	public void setid(long id)  	{ = id;  	}    	public string getempname()  	{  		return empname;  	}    	public void setempname(string empname)  	{  		this.empname = empname;  	}  }

with query, on execution below error message:

no primary sdn label exists .. (i.e 1 starting _)

i googled issue , tried use below query:

match (emp:employee:_employee) emp.employeeid={0} return emp

this query runs doesn't return response.

one important thing here haven't created existing nodes using sdn(i googled , found sdn adds metadata e.g, _ nodes/relationships).

however, if created (employee)-[has_address]->(address) pattern data using sdn, below query works fine:

match (emp:employee) emp.empname={0} return emp

in case, found 1 other issue returned address data while i'm returning employee in query. i'm able obtain addresses employee entity object.

any pointers on above issues?

ps - neo4j running in standalone server mode.

regards, rahul

i resolve above issues in following steps:

  1. no primary sdn label exists .. (i.e 1 starting _) - in sdn 3.3.0, existing nodes, sdn requires label (in case, _employee), data migration required. in sdn 4.0, seems no longer needed haven't tried 4.0 yet.
  2. returning address data while i'm returning employee in query - removing @fetch on set addresses in employee resolved this, however, addresses nodeids still returned.

to run sdn 3.x.x existing data, following data migration required:

  1. add additional nodelabel(preceding original label _) nodes, e.g, add _employee label employee nodes.
  2. add __type__ property nodes , relationships value qualified name appropriate domain/model classes, e.g, match (n:employee) set n.__type__="org.neo4j.domain.employee"




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