c# - How to set background to TextBox which is loaded in display mode of ComboBox? -

i found of website having solution edit style combobox popup . please suggest customize background textbox when value selected dropdown of combobox . please find below codes snippet ,

  <combobox  iseditable="false"  x:name="combo"  background="red"   selectionchanged="combo_selectionchanged"                     itemssource="{binding record.data.comboitems, mode=twoway,updatesourcetrigger=propertychanged}"                    selectedvalue="{binding cellboundvalue}" >                             <combobox.resources>                 <solidcolorbrush x:key="{x:static systemcolors.highlightbrushkey}">red</solidcolorbrush>             </combobox.resources>         </combobox> 

it sounds need set background property of textbox based on selection of combobox:

    <stackpanel orientation="horizontal">     <combobox width="100" height="25" name="mycombobox">         <comboboxitem content="red" />         <comboboxitem content="blue" />         <comboboxitem content="green" />     </combobox>     <textbox height="25" width="100" fontsize="16" foreground="white" text="{binding elementname=mycombobox,path=text}" background="{binding elementname=mycombobox,path=text}" /> </stackpanel> 


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