linux - what's the best way to fast copy some big file from serval servers to hunderands servers? -

there big file on serval of servers, want copy servers fast possible. below current script, there faster way this, viral distribution, example: source a, targets b c d. a->b, after b done ,then b->c , a->d (at same time) . how can improve script, sugesstion, !

#!/bin/bash  set -u  source_pool=(seq -f 10.10.10.%g 10 20)  host_ip_list=(seq -f 10.10.10.%g 21 200)     ready_flag=/tmp/ready_flag lock_flag=/tmp/lock_flag   do_lock(){     ip=$1;shift 1     ssh root@$ip "touch $lock_flag" }  do_unlock(){     ip=$1;shift 1     ssh root@$ip "rm -f $lock_flag" }  find_source(){     while true;do         source_ip in ${source_pool[@]}                     ping $source_ip -c 1 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null             if [[ $? -ne 0 ]];then                 continue             fi                ssh root@$source_ip "ls $lock_flag" 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null             if [[ $? -eq 0 ]];then                 continue             fi              ssh root@$source_ip "ls $ready_flag" 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null             if [[ $? -ne 0 ]];then                 continue             fi                do_lock $source_ip             echo $source_ip             return 0         done          source_ip in ${host_ip_list[@]}                     ping $source_ip -c 1 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null             if [[ $? -ne 0 ]];then                 continue             fi                ssh root@$source_ip "ls $lock_flag" 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null             if [[ $? -eq 0 ]];then                 continue             fi              ssh root@$source_ip "ls $ready_flag" 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null             if [[ $? -ne 0 ]];then                 continue             fi                do_lock $source_ip             echo $source_ip             return 0         done         sleep 3     done     return 1 }  do_scp(){     source_ip=$1;shift 1     target_ip=$1;shift 1     ssh root@$target_ip "scp root@$source_ip:~/some_big_file.tar ."      ssh root@$target_ip "touch $ready_flag"     do_unlock $source_ip }   scp_all(){     target_ip in ${host_ip_list[@]}             source_ip=$(find_source)         do_scp $source_ip $target_ip &     done }   do_wait(){         local flag=1         while [[ $flag -eq 1 ]];do                 flag=0                 ip in ${host_ip_list[@]}                                         scp_num=`ssh root@$ip  "ps -ef | grep scp | grep -v grep | wc -l" `                         if [[ $scp_num -ne 0 ]];then                                 flag=1                                 break                         fi                 done                 sleep 30         done } scp_all do_wait 


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