stub - Convert java version 1.8 to 1.7 compatible -

just clear not java developer.

i have java code written version 1.8. however, java.util.function not available in version 1.7 hence not able compile code. how can compile\convert code make compatible version 1.7 compiler?

below code

import java.util.*; import java.util.function.predicate;      public list<personsearchresult> searchpersonlistasperson( person bean, short minscore, int maxresults, string cvwname, person.personsource[] sources,  person.personattribute[] attributes) throws masterdataserviceexception {             logservicebegin(log, "searchpersonlistasperson");             personmapper mapper = new personmapper();             list<personsearchresult> searchresults = searchforrecordlist( mapper, bean, personentityid.getstaticenttype(), minscore, maxresults, cvwname, sources, attributes);                     if(searchresults != null && searchresults.size() > 1) {                 personpredicate ppredicate = new personpredicate();                 //todo: srccode per below??                 //ppredicate.setsrccodetotest("crdscnctp");                 //searchresults =;                 //todo: if there no result src code searchresults become empty                 if(searchresults != null && searchresults.size() > 1){                     collections.sort(searchresults, new comparator<personsearchresult>(){                         public int compare(personsearchresult a, personsearchresult b) {                             if(isnullorempty(a.getperson().getperattributeslist()) && isnullorempty(b.getperson().getperattributeslist())){                                 return 0;                             }else if(isnullorempty(b.getperson().getperattributeslist())){                                 return -1;                             }else if(isnullorempty(a.getperson().getperattributeslist())){                                 return 1;                             }else{                                 int comparison = a.getperson().getperattributeslist().get(0).getstatus().comparetoignorecase(b.getperson().getperattributeslist().get(0).getstatus());                                 return comparison == 0 ? b.getperson().getperattributeslist().get(0).getupdatedate().compareto(a.getperson().getperattributeslist().get(0).getupdatedate()) : comparison;                             }                         }                     });                 }             }             logserviceend(log, "searchpersonlistasperson");             cleanusercredentials();             return searchresults;         }          private boolean isnullorempty(list<memperson> list){             return list == null || list.isempty();         }   class personpredicate implements predicate<personsearchresult>{         string srccodetotest;         public boolean test(personsearchresult person) {                             return srccodetotest.equalsignorecase(person.getperson().getpersonid().getsrccode());         }         public void setsrccodetotest(string srccodetotest){             this.srccodetotest = srccodetotest;         } 

the code can written using java 8 streams as:

return         .filter((personsearchresult p) -> "crdscnctp".equalsignorecase(p.getperson().getpersonid().getsrccode()))         .sorted(new personcomparator())         .collect(collectors.tolist()); 

if want rewrite java 8 expression in java 7 compatible form / syntax can following way:

 personpredicate predicate = new personpredicate("crdscnctp");  list<personsearchresult> searchresults = ...;  list<personsearchresult> filteredresult = filter(searchresult, predicate);  list<personsearchresult> result = collections.sort(filteredresult , new personcomparator());  

where filter

 private static list<personsearchresult> filter(list<personsearchresult> sourcelist, predicate<personsearchresult> predicate) {      list<personsearchresult> result = new arraylist<personsearchresult>();      if (sourcelist != null) {         (personsearchresult p: sourcelist ) {              if ( p != null  && predicate.test(p) ){               result.add(p);           }      }      return result;          } 

we still need define predicate interface. having @ java 8 api , knowledge need test method can define as:

interface predicate<t> {   public boolean test(t t);  } 

the personcomparator you've defined anoymous inner class.


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