javascript - how to return animation to it's original size and position on a click -

i relatively new if see doing wrong, or anyways simplify code please not hesitate say.

i have following code enlarge div element:

var profilepostsclick = function () {     $('.largebox, .smallbox, .longbox').click(function () {         $(this).animate({             width: '100%',             height: '40%'         }, 200);         $('.closepost', this).removeclass('closeposthide');     }); }; $(document).ready(profilepostsclick);

i wanting close each div when cross clicked, returning it's original size , positioning (with height: auto if feasible).

aslo there way make each div opens above smaller ones? (like top left div does, aware because of it's positioning)


you save animation properties/values in cache-object , restore them after animation.

var animationresetcache = [];  var savevalues = function (node) {     animationresetcache.push({         node: node,         width: node.css('width'),         height: node.css('height')     }); };  var restorevalues = function (node) {     (var = 0; < animationresetcache.length; ++i) {         var item = animationresetcache[i];         if ( {             return item;         }     } };   var profilepostsclick = function () {     $('.largebox, .smallbox, .longbox').click(function (e) {         var $this = $(this);          if ($this.hasclass('open')) return;          savevalues($this);          $this.addclass('open').animate({             width: '100%',             height: '40%'         }, 200);          $this.find('.closepost').removeclass('closeposthide');     });       $('.closepost').click(function () {         var $parent = $(this).parent('.largebox, .smallbox, .longbox');          if ($parent.hasclass('open')) {             var cachedvalues = restorevalues($parent);              $parent.animate({                 width: cachedvalues.width,                 height: cachedvalues.height             }, function () {                 $parent.removeclass('open');             });              $parent.find('.closepost').addclass('closeposthide');         }     });  }; $(document).ready(profilepostsclick); 


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