java - form.submit not working while file upload in ExtJS -

i using extjs 4.2.0 uploading file functionality. when try upload using form.submit(), gives me extjs error , service not called. below code form panel:

    ext.define('modelname.view.attachdocumentpanel', {     extend: 'ext.form.panel',     alias: 'widget.attachdocumentpanel',     id: 'attachdocumentpanel',     itemid: 'attachdocumentpanel',     name: 'attachdocumentpanel',     height:25,     layout:'column',     requires: [         'modelname.common.util'          ],      initcomponent: function() {         var me = this;          ext.applyif(me, {             items: [                              {                     xtype: 'filefield',                     itemid: 'fileuploadfield',                      id: 'fileuploadfield',                     name: 'fileuploadfield',                     emptytext : 'select file upload',                     msgtarget: 'side',                     allowblank: false,                     anchor: '100%',                     hidelabel: true,                     columnwidth: .25,                     buttontext: 'browse'                 },                 {                     xtype : 'button',                     text : 'upload',                     columnwidth: .75,                     itemid: 'uploaddocumentbutton',                      name: 'uploaddocumentbutton'                 }               ]         });         me.callparent(arguments);     }    }); 

and handler code upload button in controller class:

    onuploadclick: function(button) {                    var form = button.up('attachdocumentpanel').getform();     var filename2 = ext.getcmp("fileuploadfield").getvalue();      if(ext.isempty(filename2)) {         ext.msg.alert('warning','no file selected !');         form.reset();         return;     }      if (form.isvalid()) {         form.submit({                     url: 'http://localhost:8080/war_project/rest/service/ticket/uploadfile',                     waitmsg:'uploading document...',                     success: function(form, action) {                         ext.msg.alert('success', action.result.msg);                     },                     failure: function(form, action) {                         ext.msg.alert('failure', action.result.msg);                         }                 });     }      } 

when clicking on upload gives me extjs generic error stating undefined. please help.

this works me. try one

  if (form.isvalid()) {         form.submit({                      url: 'http://localhost:8080/war_project/rest/service/ticket/uploadfile',                     waitmsg: 'uploading please wait...',                     method: 'post',                                         success: function (r, a) {                        console.log('success message here')                     },                     failure: function (r, a) {                                              console.log('failure message here')                     }                 }); } 


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