c - Why isn't OpenCL finding any devices? -

i've been messing around opencl, , seems it's not detecting have device use in computer (which do).

here's result of dxdiag:

enter image description here

here first part of code, error being raised, checking number of devices available on machine.

cl_platform_id platform; cl_uint num_devices; cl_int err;  //get first platform err = clgetplatformids(1, &platform, null);  if (err < 0){     perror("couldn't find platforms");     exit(1); }  //determine number of devices: error raised result of err = clgetdeviceids(platform, cl_device_type_all, 1, null, &num_devices);  if (err < 0){     perror("couldn't find devices");     exit(1); } 

this output code: enter image description here

and when print number of devices is finding,

printf("found %d devices", num_devices);

it gives same number every time:

enter image description here

please let me know other information may in figuring out.

you can't it's not finding devices because haven't checked return value. there 5 values (more, depending on opencl version) clgetdeviceids can return:

  • cl_success if function executed successfully.
  • cl_invalid_platform if platform not valid platform.
  • cl_invalid_device_type if device_type not valid value.
  • cl_invalid_value if num_entries equal 0 , device_type not null or if both num_devices , device_type null.
  • cl_device_not_found if no opencl devices matched device_type found.

you should check err value against sure cl_device_not_found case.

similarly, should use supply num_platforms value clgetplatformids. it's possible platform you've selected doesn't have valid devices, platform does.


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