PHP fill up multidimensional associative array - easiest way -

i want use $_session store items in cart. items defined id, each item has 3 sizes , each size there stored item's quantity. use multidimensional associative array that

$_session['cart']['id'.$_get['id']]['size'.$_post['size']]['quantity'] += $_post['quantity']; 

but guess problem getting (notice: undefined index) because arrays not defined first.

i keep simple, easiest way?

your issue you're assuming items set in $_session. need assume aren't , start adding them in.

you'd harness isset().

if(!isset($_session['cart']['id'.$_get['id']])) {     $_session['cart']['id'.$_get['id']] = array(         'sizeone' => array(             'quantity' => 0         ),         'sizetwo' => array(             'quantity' => 0         ),         'sizethree' => array(             'quantity' => 0         ),     ); } 

you'd modify above set product id require run through same sort of isset() add selected sizes. i'm showing how create initial structure array.


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