spring - Getting context using AnnotationConfigApplicationContext in Akka Actor -

how annotation context . looking @ code (copied here) :

case object tick case object @named class countingservice {   def increment(count: int) = count + 1 } @named @scope("prototype") class counter @inject() (countingservice: countingservice) extends actor {    var count = 0    def receive = {     case tick => count = countingservice.increment(count)     case  => sender ! count   } }  @configuration class appconfiguration {   @bean   def actorsystem = actorsystem("akkaspring") }  object akkaspring extends app {   val ctx = new annotationconfigapplicationcontext   ctx.scan("org.typesafe")   ctx.refresh()    val system = ctx.getbean(classof[actorsystem])    val counter = system.actorof(props().withcreator(ctx.getbean(classof[counter])))    counter ! tick   counter ! tick   counter ! tick    implicit val timeout = timeout(5 seconds)    // wait result , print it, shut down services   (counter ? get) andthen {     case count ⇒ println("count " + count)   } oncomplete { _ => system.shutdown() } } 

but if want use the counter in actor e.g :

class counteruser extends actor { val countingservice =  system.actorof(props().withcreator(ctx.getbean(classof[counter]))) def receive = {     case tick => countingservice ! tick   } } 

how context in other actor ?

how can inject other annotationconfigapplicationcontext testing ?

assuming counteruser spring bean, can this:

class counteruser @autowired() (ctx: applicationcontext) extends actor {   val countingservice =      system.actorof(props().withcreator(ctx.getbean(classof[counter])))   def receive = {     case tick => countingservice ! tick   } } 

here way same using akka extensions: https://github.com/bijukunjummen/akka-scala-spring/tree/upgrade-spring


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