.net - Highlight text of PDF--same functionality as Adobe? -

i have acro com object on wcf. document loads correctly , of functionality through adobe can found within com. need "comment" toolbar (specifically "highlight text" tool) active. can open toolbar, every option greyed out. may duplicate, haven't been able find answer question despite searching find.

i not need save highlighted text when close pdf. pdf loading code is:

   private sub lomcdataentry_load(sender object, e eventargs) handles mybase.load     dim screen screen     screen = screen.allscreens(0)     frmpdf.bounds = (from scr in screen.allscreens not scr.primary)(1).workingarea     frmpdf.startposition = formstartposition.manual     frmpdf.axacropdf1.loadfile("g:\gis\alycia\development\lomcdev\2015084\regular lomc section\region i\nh\15-01-0961a-330104.pdf")     frmpdf.show() end sub 

you need use javascript:

collab.showannottoolswhennocollab = true  

take @ question: enabling annotation in adobe axacropdflib it's c# may help.

also download sdk (http://www.adobe.com/devnet/acrobat.html) , check activeviewvb sample project.


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