AutoHotKey code to receive ctrl+x while pressing ctrl+c twice -

autohotkey code receive ctrl+x while pressing ctrl+v twice

can this?

many thanks!

assuming talking ctrl+c, not v, , assuming want keep original ctrl+c function use ctrl+x when pressing twice in short time:

#persistent transform, cc, chr, 3  ; store value of ctrlc cc. hotkey, $^c, ctrlc, on  ; same if $^c::..., deactivable return  ctrlc:     hotkey, $^c, ctrlc, off     input, key, m l1 t0.2     hotkey, $^c, ctrlc, on      if errorlevel = timeout         send ^c     else if key = %cc%         send ^x     else         send %key% return 

should do..

also see input further information. used little hotkey-command-trick in order temporarily disable ctrl+c-hotkey, because otherwise input not recognize second c

in example, set timeout 0.2 seconds. change convenience.

about capslock idea - sounds idea me, anyways, we're not code-provider network. command getkeystate should started.


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