angularjs - Triggering function when image is loaded -

i creating ionic application. in application, have image want resize (itself , map area associated) when loading of image finished. problem don't know directive use call (it doesn't seems ng-init).

example of want :

<div class="ng-scope" ng-controller="screenshotctrl">   <img       id="main_img"       class="rwdimgmap"       ng-src="img/home.jpg"       usemap="#map_main_img"       width="360" height="569"       ng-directive_i_dont_know_of="thefunctioniwanttocall">   <map name="map_main_img">     <area shape="rect" coords="358,567,360,569" alt="image map" style="outline:none;" title="image map" />     <area href="#/homemenu"         shape="poly"         coords="359,246,282,91,16,220,182,557,356,474"         style="outline:none;"         target="_self" />   </map> </div> 

how ?

you can create custom directive so:

myapp.directive('onimageload', function() {     return {         restrict: 'a',         link: function(scope, element, attr) {             element.addclass('image-not-loaded');              element.bind('load', function() {                 element.removeclass('image-not-loaded');                 // custom code             });         }     }; }); 

and use in html:

<img src="...." on-image-load /> 


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