how to insert split string to mysql database using php -

how insert string split data database using php

$client=split("\|", $input);          $n = trim($input);          // insert mysql           $output = "ok ... $client[0] $client[1] $client[2] $client[3]";  

check above code , let ideas how insert output database related fileds. using below code...

/ loop through array  $number = count($items);  ($i=0; $i<=$number; $i++)  {      // store single item number , quantity in local variables      $itno = $items[$i];      $quant = $quantities[$i];       if ($items[$i] <> '') {      mysql_query('insert reservation_items (reservationid,productid,productquantity) values($thereservationid,$itno,$quant)');      }  }  

this have tried..

$bill_no = $client[0];             $bill_amount = $client[1];             $item_name = $client[2];             $quantity = $client[3];             $rate = $client[4];             $amount = $client[5];             $discount = $client[6];              $query = mysql_query("insert billing (bill_no, bill_amount, item_name, quantity, rate, amount, discount) values ('$client[0]', '$client[1]', '$client[2]', '$client[3]', '$client[4]', '$client[5]', '$client[6]')"); 

so, first of all, please go mysql_* functions (which deprecated, not supported anymore , can cause security issues) pdo or mysqli ( ,

now, considering problem there, did of job.

first of all, retrieve pieces of information provided , split them preg_split or explode (preg_split needs regular expressions first parameter while explode not).

$client=preg_split("\|", $input); 

then last part (in case not have 7 parts of string, error) :

$bill_no = $client[0]; $bill_amount = $client[1]; $item_name = $client[2]; $quantity = $client[3]; $rate = $client[4]; $amount = $client[5]; $discount = $client[6]; 

then last part

$req = $pdo->prepare("insert billing (bill_no, bill_amount, item_name, quantity, rate, amount, discount) values (:bill_no, :bill_amount, :item_name, :quantity, :rate, :amount, :discount)"); $req->execute(array(             "bill_no" => $bill_no,              "bill_amount" => $bill_amount,             "item_name" => $item_name,             "quantity" => $quantity,             "rate" => $rate,             "amount" => $amount,             "discount" => $discount             )); 

but explain bit $items variable in 2nd part please ? way able fullfy answer


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