validation - Tel Number visualization pattern - space after every second number -

i have editabe datatable. after user inserts tel number tel column input text box, , ok button clicked, need visualize following:

input 390239266655

output +39 02 39 26 66 55

so need put space after every second number, , putting + @ begining. how can ?

the following validation have:

    <ui:define name="validation-tag">                 <f:validateregex pattern="[0-9+]*" for="contactphonenumber" />     </ui:define> 

we had write converter, here solution :

@facesconverter(value = "phoneconverter") public class phoneconverter     implements     converter {  @override public object getasobject(         facescontext context,         uicomponent component,         string value) {     string stringtodisplay = null;     //     //      if (value != null && !value.equals("") && value.startswith("+")) {     //          stringtodisplay = value.substring(1).trim();     //      }     return stringtodisplay; }  @override public string getasstring(         facescontext context,         uicomponent component,         object value) {     string stringtodisplay = (string) value;     string resulttodisplay = null;     try {         //          if (!stringtodisplay.startswith("+")) {         if (stringtodisplay != null && !stringtodisplay.equals("")) {                             resulttodisplay = getphonenumbformat(stringtodisplay);             }         }      } catch (exception e) {         log.error("phoneconverter replaceall failed!!! object:={} not found!!!", stringtodisplay, e);     }      return resulttodisplay;  }      private string getphonenumbformat(         string phonenumber) {     string resulttodisplay = null;     if (!phonenumber.startswith("+")) {         resulttodisplay = "+" + phonenumber.substring(0, 2).concat(" ") + phonenumber.substring(2).replaceall("(.{2})(?!$)", "$1 ");     } else if (!phonenumber.substring(0, 3).startswith(" ")) {         resulttodisplay = phonenumber.substring(0, 3).concat(" ") + phonenumber.substring(3).replaceall("(.{2})(?!$)", "$1 ");     }     return resulttodisplay; } } 


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