ios - Swift. Flip animation. FromView is not displayed -

i've wrote code create simple flip animation:

  func frontview (view:uiview) ->uiview {         var frontview: uiview         frontview = uiview()         frontview.frame = view.frame = cgpoint(x: 0, y: 0)           return frontview     }      func backview (view:uiview) ->uiview {          var backview: uiview         backview = uiview()         backview.frame = view.frame          backview.backgroundcolor = uicolor.redcolor() = cgpoint(x: view.frame.width/2, y: 0)          view.addsubview(backview)          return backview     }  func flipviewanimation (viewtoanimate: uiview) {      var animationoption = self.animationoption     var duration = self.duration        uiview.transitionfromview(backview(viewtoanimate), toview: frontview(viewtoanimate), duration: duration, options: animationoption, completion: nil)      //   } 

as viewtoanimate use views labels , imageviews inside, i've created in autolayout. result i'm trying achieve more or less should this. first see views filled color, flip , show content inside (labels , imageviews).

but works in different way. views appear content (labels , imageviews) flip , again show same content.

i've created each view programmatically , works me now.


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