arrays - What is causing my custom zsh script terminal command to hang? -

i've created custom zsh script taking notes day , keeping track of time can fill out time sheets easier. works fine of time every , again hangs. logs txt file when hangs doesn't execute "say" command.

i think it's problem how i'm selecting random string don't know enough zsh fix it.

i'm using zsh , in .zshrc file.

createlog() {   logfile=$home/google\ drive/autosdls.txt   # chmod 755 $logfile    lastline="$(tail -1 $logfile)"   lasttime="$(grep -oe "[[:digit:]]{10}" <<<"$lastline")"   time="$(date +%s)"   timespent=$((($time-$lasttime)/60))   echo "$timespent"   echo "[ ] $timespent minutes : $1 |$(date +%s)|" >> $logfile 2>&1     # seed random generator   random=$$$(date +%s)    encouragements=("greatjob!" "thank you." "productivity node assimilated" "well done. ambition matched zeal" "engage" "you're best! around! nothing's gonna ever keep down.")    selectedexpression=${encouragements[($random % ${#encouragements[@]})-1]}   $selectedexpression   # echo $selectedexpression } alias sdlog=createlog 


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