scala - How to unit test Dispatch Http in an Akka actor? -

i have akka actor follows; receives message , returns http response.

i having trouble testing interaction dispatch http, nice library seems difficult test.

class service(serviceurl:string) extends actor actorlogging {     implicit val ec = context .dispatcher      override def receive: receive = {         case get(ids) => request(ids)     }      private def request(ids:seq[int]):unit = {         val requesturl = buildrequesturl(ids)         val request = url(requesturl).get         http(request) pipeto sender()     } } 

one way actor:

case class get(ids:seq[int]) class service(serviceurl:string) extends actor actorlogging {     implicit val ec = context .dispatcher      def receive: receive = {         case get(ids) => request(ids)     }      def request(ids:seq[int]):unit = {         val requesturl = buildrequesturl(ids)         val request = url(requesturl).get         executerequest(request) pipeto sender()     }      def executerequest(req:req) = http(req)      def buildrequesturl(ids:seq[int]):string = s"${ids.mkstring(",")}" } 

here, i'm providing method, executerequest execute http request , return result. method overridden in test so:

class servicetest extends testkit(actorsystem("test")) specificationlike mockito implicitsender{    trait scoping extends scope{     def mockresult:response     var url:string = ""     val testref = testactorref(new service(""){       override def executerequest(req:req) = {         url = req.torequest.geturl()         future.successful(mockresult)       }     })   }    "a request service " should{     "execute request , return response" in new scoping{       val mockedresp = mock[response]       def mockresult = mockedresp       testref ! get(seq(1,2,3))       expectmsg(mockedresp)       url ==== s"${urlencoder.encode("1,2,3")}"     }   } 

it's bit crude can effective.


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