Nouveau kernel rejected pushbuf on Allegro5-C++ -

i'm in trouble this: i've installed allegro5 on ubuntu, , compiled helloworld project

#include <allegro5\allegro.h> #include <allegro5\allegro_native_dialog.h> int main(void) {    allegro_display *display=null;    if(!al_init()) {      al_show_native_message_box(null, null, null, "failed initialize allegro!", null, null);      return -1;    }    display=al_create_display(640,    480);    if(!display) {      al_show_native_message_box(null, null, null, "failed initialize display!", null, null);      return -1;    }    al_destroy_display(display);    return 0;  }

with " g++ -wall pkg-config --libs allegro-5.0 allegro_font-5.0 allegro_ttf-5.0 ". running on terminal, gives me error (or crash?) message:

nac@nac:~$ ./a.out  nouveau: kernel rejected pushbuf: bad file descriptor nouveau: ch0: krec 0 pushes 1 bufs 1 relocs 0 nouveau: ch0: buf 00000000 00000002 00000004 00000004 00000000 nouveau: ch0: psh 00000000 00000004a8 00000004bc nouveau:    0x00107b00 nouveau:    0x00000000 nouveau:    0x20217000 nouveau:    0x00000003 nouveau:    0x1000f010 

after tests saw crashes on or after "al_destroy_display(display);", in fact, after error must ctrl+c end program.

how can do??

this question few months old, comes first hit when searching error. had same error running linuxmint 17.2 allegro 5.0.10, , solved updating graphics card (geforce gtx 460) driver. hope helps future users.


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