ios - Cannot specify setter 'setTitle:' for properties of NSObject or WKInterfaceController -

i trying set wkinterfacetable. followed apples docs. label not getting text , error message in console:

cannot specify setter 'settitle:' properties of nsobject or wkinterfacecontroller 

how can fix this? objective-c please. here s code:


#import <foundation/foundation.h> #import <watchkit/watchkit.h>  @interface mainrowtype : nsobject  @property (strong, nonatomic) iboutlet wkinterfaceimage *image; @property (strong, nonatomic) iboutlet wkinterfacelabel *title;  @end 


#import "mainrowtype.h"  @implementation mainrowtype   @end 


#import <watchkit/watchkit.h> #import <foundation/foundation.h> #import "mainrowtype.h"  @interface watchtablecontroller : wkinterfacecontroller   @property (strong, nonatomic) iboutlet wkinterfacetable *tableview; @property (strong, nonatomic) nsmutablearray *titlearray;   @end 


i call method

- (void)configuretablewithdata:(nsmutablearray*)dataobjects {      [self.tableview setnumberofrows:[dataobjects count] withrowtype:@"mainrowtype"];      (nsinteger = 0; < self.tableview.numberofrows; i++) {         mainrowtype* therow = [self.tableview rowcontrolleratindex:i];         nsstring *titlestring = [dataobjects objectatindex:i];          [therow.title settext:titlestring];      } } 


your title property problem. can't name property "title" in classes. change property name , should set.


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