Why String s1==s2 return false if I add +"" and return True If I used s1==s2 -

public class maindemo  {      public void comp()      {         string s1 = "abc";         string s2 = "abc";         system.out.print(""+s1==s2); // why return false??? plz clear doubt?          system.out.println(s1==s2);//and why true     }      /**       * @param args      */     public static void main(string[] args)      {         // todo auto-generated method stub         maindemo obj=new maindemo();         obj.comp();     } }   ##################################################### 

why return false ??

system.out.print(""+s1==s2); // why return false???  

please clear doubt?


can tell me how check instance value

edited 2

system.out.println(s1.hashcode()); // both same

system.out.println(s2.hashcode());// both same

then happened this?????

comparing string not idea, use a1.equals(a2); answer of question.

string a1="abc"; string a2="abc"; system.out.println(a1==a2); // true system.out.println(""+a1==a2); // false system.out.println(""+(a1==a2)); // true 

look @ ""+a1. if try ""+a1==a1 return false, confused? don't because ""+a1 new string. while ""+(a1==a2) compares first , append :""+(true)

as suggested use a1.equals(a2); instead of == strings

official: here

equals(object anobject) compares string specified object.


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