ios - How do I fetch photos per Geo Location? -

i'm assuming should use 'phfetchoptions' formulate predicate fetch photos (phassets) per exif tags (geo location or 'tags').

how that?
...or, there better way?

example: fetch photos taken within san francisco's latitude/longitude photo library.

you cannot, specified in documentation:

construct predicate properties of class of photo entities want fetch, listed in table 1: self, localidentifier, creationdate, modificationdate, mediatype, mediasubtypes, duration, pixelwidth, pixelheight, favorite (or isfavorite), hidden (or ishidden), burstidentifier

you have fetch photos in library , filter result after:

  if ([phphotolibrary authorizationstatus]!=phauthorizationstatusdenied) {     phfetchresult *allphotosresult = [phasset fetchassetswithmediatype:phassetmediatypeimage options:nil];     [allphotosresult enumerateobjectsusingblock:^(id  _nonnull obj, nsuinteger idx, bool * _nonnull stop) {          phasset *photo = obj;         if (photo.location) {             [photos addobject:photo];         }         if (allphotosresult.count-1 == idx) {             [self showphotosonmap];         }     }]; } 


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