android - Manifest Merger tools:replace failure -

i using library uses own android:theme, , therefore receive following error while building: error:(55, 9) execution failed task ':contacit:processdebugmanifest'.

manifest merger failed : attribute application@theme value=(@style/theme.maintheme) androidmanifest.xml:55:9 present @ com.github.florent37:materialviewpager: value=(@style/apptheme) suggestion: add 'tools:replace="android:theme"' element @ androidmanifest.xml:49:5 override

i've modified app's androidmanifest.xml follows:

<manifest xmlns:android=""     xmlns:tools=""     package="com.example.main"     android:versioncode="19"     android:versionname="2.5" > ...     <application         android:name="com.example.application.mainapplication"         tools:replace="android:theme"         android:allowbackup="true"         android:icon="@drawable/logo_icon"         android:label="@string/app_name"         android:theme="@style/theme.maintheme"         > ... 

however, though have used tools:replace attribute, still getting same error manifest merger. ideas why?

remove tools:replace , add tools:node="replace" application tag. works me.


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