c# - Webbrowser in ASP.Net - accessing DOM of loaded page -

i'm trying screen scrape web page "http://reading.beatthestreet.me/" type in card number , displays point score - done via ajax (try card number 123456)

i trying via webbrowser control in asp.net page. seems load ok bit scrape ajax generated results doesn't work - return blank

the class here

using system; using system.collections.generic; using system.linq; using system.web; using system.threading; using system.windows.forms;  namespace beat_the_street { public class customwebbrowser {       protected string _url;     protected string _cardnumber;     string score = "";       public string getcardscore(string cardnumber)     {         _url = "http://reading.beatthestreet.me/";         _cardnumber = cardnumber;         // webbrowser activex control must run in         // single-threaded apartment create thread create         // control , generate thumbnail         thread thread = new thread(new threadstart(getcardscoreworker));         thread.setapartmentstate(apartmentstate.sta);         thread.start();         thread.join();         string s = score;         return s;     }       protected void getcardscoreworker()     {         using (webbrowser browser = new webbrowser())         {             //  browser.clientsize = new size(_width, _height);             browser.scrollbarsenabled = false;             browser.scripterrorssuppressed = true;             browser.navigate(_url);              // wait control load page             while (browser.readystate != webbrowserreadystate.complete)                 application.doevents();              //set text of search input             htmlelement txttextfield = browser.document.getelementbyid("edit-card-number");             txttextfield.innertext = _cardnumber;             system.threading.thread.sleep(1000);              //perform click on search button             htmlelement btnsubmit = browser.document.getelementbyid("edit-submit");             btnsubmit.focus();             btnsubmit.invokemember("click");              // sleep allow population              (int = 0; < 30; i++)             {                 system.threading.thread.sleep(1000);                  htmlelement resultsboxtemp = browser.document.getelementbyid("box");                 if (resultsboxtemp != null)                 {                     system.threading.thread.sleep(3000);                     = 35; // exit                 }             }               // results                                         htmlelement resultsbox = browser.document.getelementbyid("box");             if (resultsbox != null)             {                 string results = resultsbox.innertext;                 if (results != null)                 {                     string pointsscore;                     pointsscore = results.replace("\r", "").replace("\n", "").replace("you have ", "");                     pointsscore = pointsscore.substring(0, pointsscore.indexof(" "));                     score = pointsscore;                 }             }          }     } } } 

it gets called this

customwebbrowser browser = new customwebbrowser(); string s = browser.getcardscore("326325"); 


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