php - Symfony2 displaying countries states and cities based on the input -

i trying create registration form symfony2 formbuilder. first time , have few problems. how can display cities , states based on country input? exampel if select uk want of states of uk, , after states of cities in state... how achieved? found country option in form documentation, displays of countries... states , cities?

this form:

public function registeraction()     {                $em = $this->getdoctrine()->getmanager();             $products = $em->getrepository('mpshopbundle:product')->findall();              $form = $this->createformbuilder()                 ->add('title', 'choice', array(                 'choices' => array('-' => '-', 'mr' => 'mr.', 'mrs' => 'mrs.', 'mss' => 'miss.')))                 ->add('firstname', 'text')                 ->add('lastname', 'text')                 ->add('email', 'email')                 ->add('password', 'password')                 ->add('dateofbirth', 'date')                 ->add('company', 'text')                 ->add('adress', 'text')                 ->add('country', 'country')                 ->add('state', 'locale')                     ->add('city', 'text')                 ->add('zippostalcode', 'text')                 ->add('additionalinformation', 'textarea')                 ->add('homephone', 'number')                 ->add('mobilephone', 'number')                 ->getform()                  ;                return $this->render('mpshopbundle:frontend:registration.html.twig',  array(                'products'=>$products,                'form'=>$form->createview(),                    ));      }  

what can do>?

look translation_domain option allow set custom label depending of language

$builder->add( 'author_name', 'text', array('label' => 'comment.author_name', 'translation_domain' => 'mydomain 


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