ios - UITableView sections headers don't scroll synchronously -

i have strange behavior in table view sections. when scroll table sections headers stay on position , table view below scrolls. if scroll/touch headers both scrolling synchronously. idea wrong here?

enter image description here

class tvcontroller < uitableviewcontroller    def viewdidload     super     @sections = [{:title=>"30.03", :bookings=>["opening balance"]},                  {:title=>"31.03", :bookings=>["thai", "coffee"]},                  {:title=>"02.04", :bookings=>["pizza"]},                  {:title=>"03.04", :bookings=>["nido, view", "coffee ", "withdrawel ", "coffee "]},                  {:title=>"07.04", :bookings=>["mautgebühren "]},                  {:title=>"11.04", :bookings=>["tipp hofer alpl ", "meral ", "menterschwaige", "eis"]},                  {:title=>"12.04", :bookings=>["flaucher"]},                  {:title=>"14.04", :bookings=>["thai "]},                  {:title=>"25.04", :bookings=>["atm", "samen schmitz", "edeka ", "maelu ", "clearence"]},                  {:title=>"26.04", :bookings=>["auerdult ", "schneebesen"]},                  {:title=>"28.04", :bookings=>["thai"]},                  {:title=>"30.04", :bookings=>["bahnhof "]},                  {:title=>"05.05", :bookings=>["thai"]},                  {:title=>"07.05", :bookings=>["valleys "]},                  {:title=>"10.05", :bookings=>["café "]}]      @table = uitableview.alloc.initwithframe(self.view.bounds, style:uitableviewstylegrouped)     @table.datasource = self     @table.delegate = self     self.view.addsubview @table   end    def tableview(tableview, cellforrowatindexpath: indexpath)     @reuseidentifier ||= 'account_table_cell'     cell = tableview.dequeuereusablecellwithidentifier(@reuseidentifier) || begin       uitableviewcell.alloc.initwithstyle(uitableviewcellstyledefault, reuseidentifier:@reuseidentifier)     end     cell.textlabel.text =     cell   end    def numberofsectionsintableview(tableview)     self.sections.length   end    def tableview(tableview, numberofrowsinsection: section)     self.sections[section][:bookings].length   end    def tableview(tableview, titleforheaderinsection: section)     self.sections[section][:title]   end    def booking(indexpath)     @sections[indexpath.section][:bookings][indexpath.row]   end end 

if understanding scenario correctly (pardon me if not):

purpose of headers in table view 1 happening you. headers supposed present in view @ top of rows, until rows of headers scrolled, once rows scrolled, header moves self well.

if want scroll header along rows, should consider making row purpose , not header, not creating sections.

if want using headers follow link "jrg-developer" provided : change default scrolling behavior of uitableview section header

but, if trying create normal scrolling away headers rows, recommend use rows purpose , create custom row fulfill purpose of header.


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