javascript - Show tabs with bootstrap and knockout.js -

i trying show tabs bootstrap.

with code tabs don't appear.


<div id="tabs" class="container">   <ul class="nav nav-tabs">     <ul class="folders" data-bind="foreach: folders">       <li data-bind="text: $data, css:{ selected: $data == $root.chosenfolderid() }, click: $root.gotofolder" >         <a href="#home" data-toggle="tab"></a>         <a href="#home" data-toggle="tab">       </li>     </ul>   < /ul> </div> 

view model:

function webmailviewmodel() {     // data     var self = this;     self.folders = ['inbox', 'archive', 'sent', 'spam'];     self.chosenfolderid = ko.observable();      // behaviours         self.gotofolder = function(folder) { self.chosenfolderid(folder); };     };  ko.applybindings(new webmailviewmodel()); 

what problem code?

you have a lot of problems in code you've posted:

  • the markup you've posted invalid: there's stray a tag not closed.
  • the markup you've posted invalid: there's ul that's direct descendant of first ul, want one.
  • why there two a tags inside 1 tab li? want one.
  • you have both content li , text binding (which overwrite content). bootstrap requires a should move binding element i'd think.
  • the click binding should on a tag, not li.
  • you render selected class active li items, if @ the bootstrap documentation you'll see should active.
  • you mix data-* attributes bootstrap (i.e. data-toggle) knockout way of selecting tabs (click , css bindings). want latter

after fixing of (and maybe 1 or 2 minor things forgot mention above), end along these lines:

function webmailviewmodel() {      // data      var self = this;      self.folders = ['inbox', 'archive', 'sent', 'spam'];      self.chosenfolderid = ko.observable();        // behaviours          self.gotofolder = function(folder) { self.chosenfolderid(folder); };      };    ko.applybindings(new webmailviewmodel());
body { padding: 10px; }
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>  <link href="//" rel="stylesheet"/>  <script src=""></script>  <script src=""></script>  <script src=""></script>    <div id="tabs" class="container">    <ul class="nav nav-tabs folders" data-bind="foreach: folders">        <li data-bind="css:{ active: $data == $root.chosenfolderid() }">          <a href="#" data-bind="text: $data, click: $root.gotofolder"></a>        </li>    </ul>  </div>


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