javascript - Make item slide back to 0 with Polymer -

i'm trying element go came from. drag stores how far has travelled, thought tell go towards 0 1 pixel @ time. not work (it triggered touchend). when in dev tools see {{drag}} value correct, if statement not triggered.

any appreciated.

function bouncetozero() {     if({{drag}} != 0) {         document.queryselector('pull-to-action').drag = {{drag}} - 1;         if({{drag}} != 0) {             settimeout('bouncetozero()',1000);         }     } } 

thanks help.

edit: here full element

<link rel="import" href="../bower_components/polymer/polymer.html"> <link rel="import" href="../bower_components/core-icons/core-icons.html"> <link rel="import" href="../bower_components/core-icon/core-icon.html"> <polymer-element attributes="action distance container color" name="pull-to-action">   <template>     <style>     :host {       display: block;       position: absolute;       width: calc(100% - 8px);       text-align:center;       z-index:99;     }     .refreshicon {       background-color:white;       border-radius: 50%;       border: 1px solid {{color}};       padding: 8px;       top: calc(({{drag}}px - 50px) / 3);       color: {{color}};       opacity: calc({{drag}} / {{distance}});       transform: rotate({{drag}}deg);       filter: grayscale({{desat}}%);       -webkit-filter: grayscale({{desat}}%);     }     </style>         <span flex><core-icon class="refreshicon" icon="icons:refresh"></core-icon></span>         <script>         window.addeventlistener('load', function() {             var dragobs = 0;             var lasttouchy = 0;             var starttouchy = 0;             var endtouchy = 0;             var desat = 100;             var touchstarthandler = function(e) {                 if (e.touches.length != 1) return;                 lasttouchy = e.touches[0].clienty;                 starttouchy = e.touches[0].clienty;                 document.queryselector('pull-to-action').width = window.innerwidth;             }             var touchmovehandler = function(e) {                 var touchy = e.touches[0].clienty;                 var touchydelta = touchy - lasttouchy;                 lasttouchy = touchy;                 endtouchy = e.touches[0].clienty;                 if (document.getelementbyid('{{container}}').scrolltop == 0) {                     dragobs = endtouchy - starttouchy;                     desat = 100 - ((dragobs / {{distance}}) * 100);                     document.queryselector('pull-to-action').desat = desat;                     document.queryselector('pull-to-action').drag = endtouchy - starttouchy;                 }                 if (document.getelementbyid('{{container}}').scrolltop == 0 && touchydelta > 0) {                     e.preventdefault();                     return;                 }                 if (document.getelementbyid('{{container}}').scrolltop == 0 &&dragobs > 0) {                     e.preventdefault();                     return;                 }             }              var touchendhandler = function(e) {                 if (document.getelementbyid('{{container}}').scrolltop == 0 && endtouchy - starttouchy >= {{distance}}) {                     {{action}};                     document.queryselector('pull-to-action').drag = {{distance}};                     dragobs = {{distance}}                     settimeout('bouncetozero()',2000);                 } else {                     function bouncetozero() {                         if({{drag}} != 0) {                             document.queryselector('pull-to-action').drag = {{drag}} - 1;                             if({{drag}} != 0) {                                 settimeout('bouncetozero()',1000);                             }                         }                     }                 }             }             document.addeventlistener('touchstart', touchstarthandler, false);             document.addeventlistener('touchmove', touchmovehandler, false);             document.addeventlistener('touchend', touchendhandler, false);         });         </script>     </template>     <script>         polymer({             action: 'alert("you need set action attribute")',             distance: '100',             container: 'body',             drag: '0',             desat: '100',             color: '#ccc'         });     </script> </polymer-element> 

i think can not use template inside script

function bouncetozero() {   if(drag != 0) {       document.queryselector('pull-to-action').drag = drag - 1;       if(drag != 0) {           settimeout('bouncetozero()',1000);       }   } } 

add this context drag if need to


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