c# - 500 remote exception while Process A try to access remote object from Process B connected via .NET remoting.(Client/server in the same machine) -

i have product architecture there 2 processes . process , process b.

process main process calling process b provide specific values. process b running on port xxxx. process makes call process b (with request). process b receives request , makes proper response response never go process a. 500 remote exception in "charles web debugging" response process b.

    <system.runtime.remoting>       <application>          <service>             <wellknown type="some name of class".                        mode="singleton"                         objecturi="classname" />          </service>          <channels>             <channel ref="http" port="123456" />          </channels>       </application>    </system.runtime.remoting>    <startup>       <supportedruntime version="v2.0.50727" />    </startup> 

i have checked networking, proxies couldn't find issue. independently process , process b not giving errors.


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