angularjs - Angular Google Maps "Marker" directive not working -

building website has 2 different google maps on same page. maps load fine. im trying add markers maps, , keep getting error."markersparentmodel: no valid models attribute "

my controller :

angular.module('footstoreapp')   .controller('contactpagectrl', function ($scope, uigmapgooglemapapi) {    uigmapgooglemapapi.then(function(maps) {     });    $ = { center: { latitude: 32.830593, longitude: -79.825432 }, zoom: 14 };    $scope.marker = {     id: 1,     coords: {      latitude: 32.830593,      longitude: -79.825432     },    };     $scope.map2 = { center: { latitude: 32.863488, longitude: -80.023833 }, zoom: 14 };    $scope.marker2 = {     id: 2,     coords: {      latitude: 32.863488,      longitude: -80.023833     }    }   }); 

the directives :

<div>      <ui-gmap-google-map center='' zoom='map.zoom'><ui-gmap-markers idkey='' coords='marker.coords'>      </ui-gmap-markers></ui-gmap-google-map>     </div>    <ui-gmap-google-map center='' zoom='map2.zoom'><ui-gmap-markers idkey='' coords='marker2.coords'>     </ui-gmap-markers></ui-gmap-google-map> 

you have used ui-gmap-markers directive instead of ui-gmap-marker.

see documentation (!/api). there 2 directives (marker , markers).

corrected code:

var myapp = angular.module('myapp', ['uigmapgoogle-maps']);    myapp.controller('myctrl1', function ($scope, uigmapgooglemapapi) {        uigmapgooglemapapi.then(function (maps) {          $ = {              center: {                  latitude: 32.830593,                  longitude: -79.825432              },              zoom: 14          };          $scope.marker = {              id: 1,              coords: {                  latitude: 32.830593,                  longitude: -79.825432              }          };          $scope.map2 = {              center: {                  latitude: 32.863488,                  longitude: -80.023833              },              zoom: 14          };          $scope.marker2 = {              id: 2,              coords: {                  latitude: 32.863488,                  longitude: -80.023833              }          }        });    })
.angular-google-map-container {       height: 400px;   }
<script src=""></script>  <script src=""></script>  <script src=""></script>    <div ng-app="myapp">      <div ng-controller="myctrl1">          <ui-gmap-google-map center='' zoom='map.zoom'>              <ui-gmap-marker idkey='' coords='marker.coords'></ui-gmap-marker>          </ui-gmap-google-map>          <hr/>          <ui-gmap-google-map center='' zoom='map2.zoom'>              <ui-gmap-marker idkey='' coords='marker2.coords'></ui-gmap-marker>          </ui-gmap-google-map>      </div>  </div>


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