Xenforo Password Authentication Problrm -

following password stored hash:


i trying authenticate xenforo password this:

$newhash = $crypt($userpass, $stored_hash); return $newhash === $stored_hash; 

for example:

my password is: 123456

my password stored hash is: $p$di4mxjkukkjrfzrpffssndassn3xag0

so writing following code authenticate:

$newhash = crypt("123456", "$p$di4mxjkukkjrfzrpffssndassn3xag0"); return $newhash === "$p$di4mxjkukkjrfzrpffssndassn3xag0"; 

can 1 suggest me how can authenticate?

thanks in advance.

you have compare new hash old 1 this:

$existinghash = "$p$di4mxjkukkjrfzrpffssndassn3xag0"; $newhash = crypt("123456", $existinghash); $issamepassword = $newhash === $existinghash; 

i recommend use hash algorithm backwards compatibility, new hashes should use slow algorithm cost factor. easiest , safest way use password_hash() function:

// hash new password storing in database. // function automatically generates cryptographically safe salt. $hashtostoreindb = password_hash($password, password_bcrypt);  // check if hash of entered login password, matches stored hash. // salt , cost factor extracted $existinghashfromdb. $ispasswordcorrect = password_verify($password, $existinghashfromdb); 


after quick research found out signature $p$ used phpass library, in case no safe hash algorithm available. in absence of alternatives uses iterated md5 hash scheme. try include phpass library (the code available) check hashes.


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