c# - Fill in Word template and save as pdf using openxml and openoffice -

i trying fill word document data xml. using openxml fill document, works great , save .docx. thing have open word , save document .odt , use openoffice sdk open .docx , save pdf. when don't save .docx .odt, formatting off.

what need able able either convert .docx .odt or save .odt.

here have right now:

    static void main()         {              string documenttext;             xmldocument xmldoc = new xmldocument(); // create xml document object             xmldoc.load("c:\\cache\\mmcache.xml"); // load xml document specified file                xmlnodelist patientfirst = xmldoc.getelementsbytagname("patientfirst");              xmlnodelist patientsignatureimg = xmldoc.getelementsbytagname("patientsignatureimg");                   byte[] bytearray = file.readallbytes("c:\\cache\\transportationrunreporttemplate.docx");             using (memorystream stream = new memorystream())             {                 stream.write(bytearray, 0, (int)bytearray.length);                 using (wordprocessingdocument worddoc = wordprocessingdocument.open(stream, true))                 {                     using (streamreader reader = new streamreader(worddoc.maindocumentpart.getstream()))                     {                         documenttext = reader.readtoend();                     }                          using (streamwriter writer = new streamwriter(worddoc.maindocumentpart.getstream(filemode.create)))                     {                         writer.write(documenttext);                     }                  }                 // save file new name                 file.writeallbytes("c:\\cache\\myfinishedtemplate.docx", stream.toarray());             }             }          private static void addpicture(bitmap bitmap)         {             using (wordprocessingdocument doc = wordprocessingdocument.open("c:\\cache\\myfinishedtemplate.docx", true))             {                 //bitmap image = new bitmap("c:\\cache\\scribus.jpg");                 sdtelement controlblock = doc.maindocumentpart.document.body                     .descendants<sdtelement>()                         .where                         (r =>                             r.sdtproperties.getfirstchild<tag>().val == "signature"                         ).singleordefault();                 // find blip element of content control.                 a.blip blip = controlblock.descendants<a.blip>().firstordefault();                 imagepart imagepart = doc.maindocumentpart         .addimagepart(imageparttype.jpeg);                 using (memorystream stream = new memorystream())                 {                     bitmap.save(stream, imageformat.jpeg);                     stream.position = 0;                     imagepart.feeddata(stream);                 }                 blip.embed = doc.maindocumentpart.getidofpart(imagepart);                 /* dw.inline inline = controlblock         .descendants<dw.inline>().firstordefault();                 // 9525 = pixels points                 inline.extent.cy = image.size.height * 9525;                 inline.extent.cx = image.size.width * 9525;                 pic.picture pic = inline                     .descendants<pic.picture>().firstordefault();                 pic.shapeproperties.transform2d.extents.cy                     = image.size.height * 9525;                 pic.shapeproperties.transform2d.extents.cx                     = image.size.width * 9525;*/             }             converttopdf(@"c:\cache\myfinishedtemplate2.docx",@"c:\cache\openpdf.pdf");          }               public static bitmap base64stringtobitmap(string base64string)         {             bitmap bmpreturn = null;               byte[] bytebuffer = convert.frombase64string(base64string);             memorystream memorystream = new memorystream(bytebuffer);               memorystream.position = 0;               bmpreturn = (bitmap)bitmap.fromstream(memorystream);               memorystream.close();             memorystream = null;             bytebuffer = null;               return bmpreturn;         }      public static void converttopdf(string inputfile, string outputfile)         {             if (convertextensiontofiltertype(system.io.path.getextension(inputfile)) == null)                 throw new invalidprogramexception("unknown file type openoffice. file = " + inputfile);              startopenoffice();              //get componentcontext             var xlocalcontext =                 bootstrap.bootstrap();             //get multiservicefactory             var xremotefactory =                 (xmultiservicefactory)                 xlocalcontext.getservicemanager();             //get compontloader             var aloader =                 (xcomponentloader)xremotefactory.createinstance("com.sun.star.frame.desktop");             //load sourcefile              xcomponent xcomponent = null;             try             {                 xcomponent = initdocument(aloader,                                           pathconverter(inputfile), "_blank");                 //wait loading                 while (xcomponent == null)                 {                     thread.sleep(1000);                 }                  // save/export document                 savedocument(xcomponent, inputfile, pathconverter(outputfile));             }                         {                 if (xcomponent != null) xcomponent.dispose();             }          }          private static void startopenoffice()         {             var ps = process.getprocessesbyname("soffice.exe");             if (ps.length != 0)                 throw new invalidprogramexception("openoffice not found.  openoffice installed?");             if (ps.length > 0)                 return;             var p = new process             {                 startinfo =                 {                     arguments = "-headless -nofirststartwizard",                     filename = "soffice.exe",                     createnowindow = true                 }             };             var result = p.start();              if (result == false)                 throw new invalidprogramexception("openoffice failed start.");         }          private static xcomponent initdocument(xcomponentloader aloader, string file, string target)         {             var openprops = new propertyvalue[1];             openprops[0] = new propertyvalue { name = "hidden", value = new any(true) };              xcomponent xcomponent = aloader.loadcomponentfromurl(                file, target, 0,                openprops);              return xcomponent;         }           private static void savedocument(xcomponent xcomponent, string sourcefile, string destinationfile)         {             var propertyvalues = new propertyvalue[2];             // setting flag overwriting             propertyvalues[1] = new propertyvalue { name = "overwrite", value = new any(true) };             //// setting filter name             propertyvalues[0] = new propertyvalue             {                 name = "filtername",                 value = new any(convertextensiontofiltertype(system.io.path.getextension(sourcefile)))             };             ((xstorable)xcomponent).storetourl(destinationfile, propertyvalues);          }           private static string pathconverter(string file)         {             if (file == null || file.length == 0)                 throw new nullreferenceexception("null or empty path passed openoffice");              return string.format("file:///{0}", file.replace(@"\", "/"));          }          public static string convertextensiontofiltertype(string extension)         {             switch (extension)             {                 case ".odt":                 case ".doc":                 case ".docx":                 case ".txt":                 case ".rtf":                 case ".html":                 case ".htm":                 case ".xml":                                 case ".wps":                 case ".wpd":                     return "writer_pdf_export";                 case ".xls":                 case ".xlsb":                 case ".ods":                     return "calc_pdf_export";                 case ".ppt":                 case ".pptx":                 case ".odp":                     return "impress_pdf_export";                  default: return null;             }         }       }  } 

just information cannot use uses interop because word not installed machine. using openxml , openoffice

this try (details below): 1) try doc format instead of docx 2) switch libre office , try docx again 2) use odf-converter better docx -> odt conversion.

more details...

there's called odf-conveter (opensource) can convert docx->odt gives (typically) more accurate docx->odt open office. take @ odf-conveter-integrator ooninja pre-packaged versions.

also, libre office has docx support ahead of openoffice might better result switching libre office.

a further option start doc format rather docx. in openoffice world translates better odt , pdf.

hope helps.


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