Eclipse color themes not working -

i have followed clear instructions install eclipse color themes 1.0.0 in eclipse luna 4.4.0, ubuntu 10.04.2 64bits, , whenever check of themes:

  1. no preview shown.
  2. the theme not applied when click apply , accept.

i have checked other questions such as: how can change eclipse theme? eclipse color theme not working not problems. no errors.

update: turns out editor working, rest of windows original aspect.

any advice welcome. thank you!

i found answer: known bug eclipse version:

basically, have enable gtk3 when launching it, can done in .desktop file:

[desktop entry] name=eclipse comment=eclipse luna exec=env swt_gtk3=1 ~/apps/eclipse/eclipse icon=~/apps/eclipse/eclipse-1.png startupnotify=true terminal=false type=application 

and requires set global dark theme on on gnome tweak tool.


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