database - Dynamic data for produkt list, search form select ,php mysqli -

i looking solution create dynamic data table print 3 variables mysqli database defined 3 select variables.

the idea after make selection of categories want display , press button search refreshing page , sending variables. after table made.

note : page within iframe , images have same name.jpg id them , list should render in horizontal rows , 4 columns row

i think picture worth of thousand words add 1 of code now.

picture link< image link (i dont have 10 reputation post images , lol)

<head> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/style.css"> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> </head> <body> <div id="search_wrapper"> <!-- color--> <li> <img class="img_search_bar" src="../img/search/color.jpg" />     <select>   <option value="">all</option>   <option value="">blue</option>   <option value="">red</option>   <option value="">black</option>   <option value="">white</option> </select> </li> <!-- size--> <li> <img class="img_search_bar" src="../img/search/size.jpg" />     <select>     <option value="">all</option>     <option value="">small</option>     <option value="">medium</option>     <option value="">big</option> </select> </li> <!-- type--> <li> <img class="img_search_bar" src="../img/search/type.jpg" />     <select>     <option value="">all</option>     <option value="">sewing</option>     <option value="">sticking</option>     <option value="">ironing</option> </select> </li> <div id="button_search"> <a href="produkt.php">search</a>  <!-- refresh page--> </div>  </div> <table id="produkt_table">     <td>     <img class="produkt_ikon" src="../img/produkt/ikon/3.jpg">     <h3> id : $id </h3>     <h4> prize : $prize </h4>     <h5> stock : $yes/no </h5>     </td> </table> <?php  //mysqli connection on localhost $db = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root","" ,"test"); if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {     echo mysqli_connect_error();     exit();  }  //selecting database  mysql_select_db("test");   //making query              $query = mysql_query("select `id`, `prize`, `stock` `testtable`");   //while loop printing list of parameters     while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query, mysql_both)) {          printf ("id: %s  prize: %s stock: %s <br>", $row[0], $row["prize"], $row["stock"]);     }   mysql_free_result($query);  ?>  </body> 


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