c# - EM_SETCUEBANNER doesn't works on RichTextBox -

i've been using em_setcuebanner implement place-holder on textboxes, working fine until used on richtextbox. doesn't display text.

here's code:

 [dllimport("user32.dll", charset = charset.auto, setlasterror=true)]  public static extern int32 sendmessage(intptr hwnd, int msg, int wparam, [marshalas(unmanagedtype.lpwstr)]string lparam);      bool setplaceholder(textboxbase control, string text)             {                const int em_setcuebanner = 0x1501;                 return natives.sendmessage(control.handle, em_setcuebanner, 0, text) == 1;             } 

using on rtb returns false marshal.getlastwin32error() has value of 0.

i can't find specific rtb on edit control messages.

how can fix this?

this should not surprise much, beyond the documentation, multi-line textbox doesn't support cue.

nothing can't fix, isn't hard do. add new class project , paste code shown below. compile. drop new control top of toolbox onto form, replacing existing one.

using system; using system.drawing; using system.windows.forms;  class richtextboxex : richtextbox {     public string cue {         { return cue; }         set {             showcue(false);             cue = value;             if (this.focused) showcue(true);         }     }     private string cue;      protected override void onenter(eventargs e) {         showcue(false);         base.onenter(e);     }      protected override void onleave(eventargs e) {         showcue(true);         base.onleave(e);     }      protected override void onvisiblechanged(eventargs e) {         if (!this.focused) showcue(true);         base.onvisiblechanged(e);     }      private void showcue(bool visible) {         if (this.designmode) visible = false;         if (visible) {                                       if (this.text.length == 0) {                 this.text = cue;                 this.selectall();                 this.selectioncolor = color.fromargb(87, 87, 87);             }         }         else {             if (this.text == cue) {                 this.text = "";                 this.selectioncolor = this.forecolor;             }         }     } } 


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