playframework 2.0 - Scripting DB changes in Scala Play -

i trying autopopulate bunch of database objects in scala play. i've been able far, disguising script test , running activator test-only.

can give me guidance how convert below test script can run outside of activator test?

my code

import java.awt import java.util.concurrent.timeunit import import org.openqa.selenium._ import com.sun.xml.internal.bind.v2.todo import scala.collection.javaconverters._ import controllers.application import models.item import play.api.test._ import org.scalatest.time._ import org.apache.commons.lang3.randomstringutils import java.util.random  class itemgenerator extends playspec oneserverpersuite {    implicit override lazy val app: fakeapplication =     fakeapplication(additionalconfiguration = testutil.inmemorydatabase("default", map()))    "generator" should {     "create bunch of items" in {       item.deleteall()        val rand = new random(system.currenttimemillis())        (x <- 1 100) {       item.create()       }     }   } } 




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