Aes Encryption For Custom(User defined type) class C# -
can use aes encryption technique encrypt/decrypt user defined type. in this link encryption done simple string. suppose want encrypt below user defined type.
public class person { public string firstname { get; set; } public string lastname { get; set; } }
how can done.
or there other alternative way it.
p.s - have tried following after jon's answer while getting exception "length of data decrypt invalid" while decrypting data. using following code encrypt , decrypt data.
[serializable] public class person:iserializable { public string firstname { get; set; } public string lastname { get; set; } public void getobjectdata(serializationinfo info, streamingcontext context) { info.addvalue("firstname", firstname); info.addvalue("lastname", lastname); } public person() { } public person(serializationinfo info, streamingcontext ctxt) { firstname = (string)info.getvalue("firstname", typeof(string)); lastname = (string)info.getvalue("lastname", typeof(string)); } } static void main(string[] args) { person per = new person() { firstname = "vikram", lastname = "chaudhary" }; using (aesmanaged aes = new aesmanaged()) { byte[] encrypted = encryptstringtobytes_aes(per, aes.key, aes.iv); byte[] decrypted = decryptstringfrombytes_aes(encrypted, aes.key, aes.iv); } } static byte[] encryptstringtobytes_aes(person plaintext, byte[] key, byte[] iv) { memorystream stream = new memorystream(); binaryformatter bformatter = new binaryformatter(); bformatter.serialize(stream, plaintext); byte[] encrypted; // create aesmanaged object // specified key , iv. using (aesmanaged aesalg = new aesmanaged()) { aesalg.key = key; aesalg.iv = iv; // create decrytor perform stream transform. icryptotransform encryptor = aesalg.createencryptor(aesalg.key, aesalg.iv); // create streams used encryption. using (memorystream msencrypt = new memorystream()) { using (cryptostream csencrypt = new cryptostream(msencrypt, encryptor, cryptostreammode.write)) { csencrypt.write(stream.toarray(), 0, stream.toarray().length); csencrypt.close(); } } } // return encrypted bytes memory stream. byte[] encrypteddata = stream.toarray(); return encrypteddata; } static byte[] decryptstringfrombytes_aes(byte[] ciphertext, byte[] key, byte[] iv) { byte[] decrypteddata; // declare string used hold // decrypted text. string plaintext = null; person decryptedobject = null; // create aesmanaged object // specified key , iv. using (aesmanaged aesalg = new aesmanaged()) { aesalg.key = key; aesalg.iv = iv; // create decrytor perform stream transform. icryptotransform decryptor = aesalg.createdecryptor(aesalg.key, aesalg.iv); // create streams used decryption. using (memorystream msdecrypt = new memorystream()) { using (cryptostream csdecrypt = new cryptostream(msdecrypt, decryptor, cryptostreammode.write)) { csdecrypt.write(ciphertext, 0, ciphertext.length); } decrypteddata = msdecrypt.toarray(); } } return decrypteddata; }
please let me know doing wrong.
you're combining 2 separable concepts:
- how convert between instance of
, stream of binary data (orbyte[]
)? - how encrypt/decrypt arbitrary stream of binary data (or
those 2 concepts should separated far possibly can in code , in mind.
work out how want serialize object - native .net binary serialization? text format (json, xml, else)? 3rd party binary serialization format (e.g. protocol buffers, thrift)? can build , test without encryption being involved.
work out how want encrypt "some data". can build , test without serialization being involved, using hard-coded data.
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