Actionscript: Passing public variable from one class to another? -

i'm stuck on creating hit detection function inside object class file if collides player on stage detects it. i'm getting "error:1067 access of undefined property" public variables call document class file. here function inside object class want call public variables for:

public function hittesting(obj:object) {      if (hittestpoint(obj.x + leftbumppoint.x, obj.y + pubvarsleftbumppoint.y, true)) {         trace("leftcollide");         leftcollide = true;       } else {         leftcollide = false;     }      if (hittestpoint(obj.x + rightbumppoint.x, obj.y + rightbumppoint.y, true)) {         trace("right hit");         rightcollide = true;     } else {         rightcollide = false;     }      if (hittestpoint(obj.x + upbumppoint.x, obj.y + upbumppoint.y, true)) {         trace("up hit");         upcollide = true;     } else {         upcollide = false;     }  } 

edit: code document class:

package {      import;     import;     import*;     import flash.ui.keyboard;     import flash.display.*;     import flash.utils.timer;     import flash.sampler.newobjectsample;     import flash.geom.point;     import mediumenemy;      public class publicvariables extends movieclip {          public var uppressed: boolean = false;         public var downpressed: boolean = false;         public var leftpressed: boolean = false;         public var rightpressed: boolean = false;         public var xspeed: number = 0;         public var yspeed: number = 0;         public var gravity: number = 1;         public var scrollx: number = 0;         public var scrolly: number = 0;         public var speedconstant: int = 8;         public var friction: number = 0.55;         public var leftcollide: boolean = false;         public var rightcollide: boolean = false;         public var upcollide: boolean = false;         public var downcollide: boolean = false;         public var leftbumppoint: point = new point(-30, -55);         public var rightbumppoint: point = new point(30, -55);         public var upbumppoint: point = new point(0, -120);         public var downbumppoint: point = new point(0, 80);         public var jumpconstant: number = -65;         public var gravityconstant: number = 5;           public function publicvariables() { 

code object class:

package {      import flash.display.movieclip;     import;     import;     import flash.utils.timer;     import flash.geom.point;     import publicvariables;       public class mediumenemy extends publicvariables {         //private var xspeed: number = 8 //randomvalue(3, 6); //not being used         //private var yspeed: number = 8 //randomvalue(8, 15); not being used         private var direction: boolean = false;            public function mediumenemy(xlocation: number, ylocation: number) {              x = xlocation + randomvalue(0, 550);             y = ylocation; //set x position random value               if (x < 275) //determine whether make direction of motion left or right             {                 direction = true                 //trace("go left")              } else {                 direction = false;                 //trace("go right");             }                this.addeventlistener(event.enter_frame, animate); //add         }                function animate(event: event) { //looping code                  switch (direction) {                     case false:                         {                             x -= xspeed;                             break;                         }                     case true: //go right                         {                             x += xspeed;                              break;                         }                 }                 y += yspeed;   }                  public function hittesting(obj: object) {              if (hittestpoint(obj.x + leftbumppoint.x, obj.y + leftbumppoint.y, true)) {                 trace("leftcollide");                 leftcollide = true;               } else {                 leftcollide = false;             }              if (hittestpoint(obj.x + rightbumppoint.x, obj.y + rightbumppoint.y, true)) {                 trace("right hit");                 rightcollide = true;             } else {                 rightcollide = false;             }              if (hittestpoint(obj.x + upbumppoint.x, obj.y + upbumppoint.y, true)) {                 trace("up hit");                 upcollide = true;             } else {                 upcollide = false;             }          }       }  } 

fyi: intending on somehow passing 'player' object hittesting function x position using parameter.

to suggest approach necessary analyse code , understand cause issues, etc.

try this:

public class mediumenemy extends movieclip {     private var direction:boolean = false;     private var publicvariables:publicvariables = new publicvariables();      public function mediumenemy(xlocation:number, ylocation:number) {         x = xlocation + randomvalue(0, 550);         y = ylocation; // set x position random value          if (x < 275) // determine whether make direction of motion left or right         {             direction = true;             // trace("go left")         } else {             direction = false;             // trace("go right");         }          this.addeventlistener(event.enter_frame, animate); // add     }      private function animate(event:event) { // looping code         switch (direction) {             case false: {                 x -= publicvariables.xspeed;                 break;             }             case true: // go right             {                 x += publicvariables.xspeed;                  break;             }         }         y += publicvariables.yspeed;     }      public function hittesting(obj:object) {         if (hittestpoint(obj.x + publicvariables.leftbumppoint.x, obj.y + publicvariables.leftbumppoint.y, true)) {             trace("leftcollide");             publicvariables.leftcollide = true;         } else {             publicvariables.leftcollide = false;         }          if (hittestpoint(obj.x + publicvariables.rightbumppoint.x, obj.y + publicvariables.rightbumppoint.y, true)) {             trace("right hit");             publicvariables.rightcollide = true;         } else {             publicvariables.rightcollide = false;         }          if (hittestpoint(obj.x + publicvariables.upbumppoint.x, obj.y + publicvariables.upbumppoint.y, true)) {             trace("up hit");             publicvariables.upcollide = true;         } else {             publicvariables.upcollide = false;         }     }  } 


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