php - Wildcard column name in UPDATE query -

assuming have sql table called techsched setup below 800,900 etc. etc. went on till 2300, each representing 1 hour block of time. 6 character alphanumeric character (tpi232) represents ticket number assigned tech , ticket number duplicated across each block of time tech scheduled for. need run sql query can find ticket number regardless of located in table , set value of row/column found null or blank

tech         date          800      900      1000      1100      1200 john doe     05-01-15                       dsa123    dsa123    dsa123 mike doe     05-01-15     fgg342   fgg342   bill doe     05-01-15                       steve doe    05-01-15              tpi232   tpi232    tpi232  

i know below not , not work best way demonstrate i'm trying do:

update techsched set wildcard_column_name='' wildcard_column_name='fgg342'

i don't know record number may occur @ in table, how can accomplished?

create stored procedure , tweak suit case:

delimiter $$  drop procedure if exists clear_values$$  create procedure clear_values(subject char(10)) begin      declare finished int default 0;     declare colname varchar(100);      -- cursor     declare cur_columns cursor         select column_name         information_schema.columns         table_name = 'test'         , data_type = 'char'         , character_maximum_length = 10;     -- data type , length matches field info     -- in table      -- handler when run out of records read     declare continue handler not found         set finished = 1;      open cur_columns;     reading: loop          -- retrieve data until end of records         fetch cur_columns colname;         if finished = 1             leave reading;         end if;          -- create text update column's value         set @statement = concat(             'update test ',             'set `', colname, '` = \'\' ',             'where `', colname, '` = \'', subject, '\''             );          -- create prepared statement text          -- , execute         prepare stmt @statement;         execute stmt;         deallocate prepare stmt;      end loop reading;     close cur_columns;  end$$  delimiter ; 

when chance, think normalizing table assuming small project:

create table techs (   id int auto_increment primary key,   tech varchar(50) );  create table schedules (   id int auto_increment primary key,   tech_id int not null,   sched datetime not null,   ticket char(6),   constraint fk_schedules_techs_tech_id     foreign key (tech_id)     references techs (id),   constraint uk_schedules_tech_id_sched      unique (tech_id, sched) );  insert techs (tech) values  ('joe'),  ('matt');  insert schedules (tech_id, sched, ticket) values  (1, '2015-05-01 08:00:00', ''),  (1, '2015-05-01 09:00:00', ''), (1, '2015-05-01 10:00:00', 'dsa123'), (2, '2015-05-01 08:00:00', 'fgg324'),  (2, '2015-05-01 09:00:00', 'fgg324'), (2, '2015-05-01 10:00:00', '');!9/19bc3/1

now when have clear out ticket ticket fgg324, can type:

update schedules set ticket = '' ticket = 'fgg324'; 


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