jsf - Can't drop TreeNode on empty <p:tree> component -

i'm using 2 separated <p:tree> components. when click commandbutton application adds new node first tree. part works fine.

now want drag , drop nodes between these trees. works if there @ least 1 element in target tree, nothing happens if tree empty -and yes, both trees must empty @ beginning-. thing know can done because of example. code same , can't figure out reason doesn't work me. both trees this, except value attribute of course:

<p:tree value="#{signlineslists.createdsignlinesroot}" var="node" draggable="true" droppable="true" dragdropscope="signlinesscope" selectionmode="single">         <p:ajax event="dragdrop" listener="#{signlineslists.ondragdrop}" />         <p:treenode>             <h:outputtext value="#{node}" />         </p:treenode> </p:tree> 

the listener in ajax event debugging purposes , has no effects on bean attributes presume can ignored.

what missing?


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